The clearout begins ..... moved house and the boss has spoken :-)  Starting with odds then sheets  , booklets to follow.


If you are searching for a particular item, feel free to contact me though I’m not allowed to give out my gmail address. My ID might help you, beginning maffsrus...........    :-)


Sheets need to be sent as a large letter and will require backing to prevent damage resulting in higher postage charges I'm afraid. Please also remember that ebay charge their fees on postage too. :-(


I have based s/h charges on needing more than 20g weight ( and less than 100g) – this will allow multiple lots hopefully within one charge.

Additionally, I will adjust postage downwards where possible for non-uk buyers if it's a small item or no backing required.

Please WAIT for my invoice – if you pay without it , you will get charged multiple post charges for more than 1 item.
