1913 Big Eddy oregon The Dalles Celilo Canal area shooting group. Interesting item. The canal is maybe a couple years off from opening, but these folks from the area go to Big Eddy to do some shooting. Hunting? Not sure, but there is a dog in the photo. But all the shotgun shells are laying at their feet. I guess they don't move far, maybe the birds are tossed into the air from the side LOL A LOT of shells.  A kid behind the adults not identified and only one person seems to be identified in the shot with the position noted, 2nd from right IC Nickelsen. He was the one who created what is now Oregons oldest bookstore and the 7th oldest in the country.  It is now Klindts, but it was Nickelsen first. Online it is noted that it was sold to the Weigelt family in 1927-some saying he sold it, but that is impossible since he died in 1923. Looking at his findagrave I compared the photo with this one. It is the only man with gray hair, but other photos have him with a mustache.  Back in the day lots of old guys never changed their facial hair, but maybe he lost it as he got older.  The others are not pointed out in the line who they are. Here are my guesses.

2 younger guys on the left (far and 2nd from left) are probably Weigelts as around 1913 they would have been late teens and they both died younger.  Far left he is enjoying a cigar.  The one right in the middle seems to not want to be there and holding the shotgun as if it will bite him.  A dandy man  LOL   Inbetween them is who I think is Moody, looking at his photo on findagrave seems to match.  The man on the far right...well it is anyones guess why he is there, he does not look happy.  R. Williams is the photographer and I seem to recall he had a photo studio at Big Eddy. But not positive. 

Ok, I dug in a little bit on findagrave.   For the Weigelts  in 1913:

Gus would be 17

Henry would be 14 and he died age 19

Paul would be 19

It is possible Dad Albert is there as he would be 49, in the middle next to dandy dapper dresser. 

The man in the white sweater is maybe Paul at 19.  Just guessing here you understand. So that leaves the kid in the back and later mafia man at the far right as unknown.  Would love to know the types of shotguns. Would be worth a small fortune today.

NOTE: I can't send regular 1st class on here as there is only ground advantage and ebay requires tracking using their system. Most items can go for $1.50 but I lose seller status etc if it can't be tracked.  I do try to combine shipping if you let me know when and what. Within a day or two.

Of course the X will not be on the original. Just being sure the buyer has full rights to it.