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This very special Middle European Neolithic stone artifact
with unfinished piercing could be a small
- battle ax
- toy - bow drill bearing block
- a bead or an (axe-) pendant....
Length is 56 mms.
Belonging to the Middle European Neolithic.
In the Middle Neolithic Period a number of new customs make their appearance in North and Central Europe. A feature of the people of the epoch is the stone battleax which develops in the individual districts from a common prototype into a series of local types. So characteristic for these cultures is the battleax, being in all cases buried with the men, that the name of Battleax Cultures has been given to these groups. The types of objects belonging to the battleax cultures are known chiefly from graves: single graves, stone cists and secondary burials in Dolmens and Passage-Graves.
Depending on the regions, the different cultural groups of this period have different names : Single Grave Culture, Battle Axe culture,
Corded Ware Culture, Pit Grave Culture or Ochre Grave Culture.
Provenance is an old German collection.
More details will follow the artifact.
I guarantee absolutely for the authenticity
of this wonderful Neolithic artifact.
Please view also my other auctions with
relics from the European Prehistory.