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From the old collection Archives Prehistoric Europe:
Extrem rare Upper Paleolithic ( Paleolithic ) core borer
French Aurignacian Culture - 30000 years old.
Aurignacian (ca. 40.000-28.000 years ago) is the Old Stone Age culture in Europe
that came between the Mousterian and the Solutrean in the Upper Palaeolithic.
The name is derived from a rock-shelter at Aurignac in the Pyrenees of France.
The earliest cave paintings and figurines are attributed to the
Aurignacian peoples of Western Europe about 38,000 BC.
The Aurignacian culture occupied a vast geographic range, with concentrations in the High-Danube region of Germany, in Austria, in the Moravian region of Slovakia, in the Santander region of Spain. In France, Aurignacian peoples occupied small valleys in the Dordogne region and in the piedmonts of the Pyrenean mountains. The Aurignacian is distinguished from preceding cultures by several innovations in flint knapping techniques, a diversification of tool types, and significant innovations in other domains. Flint tools are now made on blades rather than flakes. The tool types are more standardized and include end-scrapers for preparing animal skins, and burins for working wood and engraving. Projectile points for hunting were made from antler and bone and teeth of mammoth. Aurignacian hunters did not use spearthrowers (atatls) or the bow and arrow. No eyed needles have been found, so their clothes may have been less finely made than in more recent periods. Among the significant innovations of the Aurignacians is the development of body ornamentation, including pierced shells and teeth, carved bone pendants, bracelets, and mammoth beads.
Meanwhile, the sudden explosion of art, brilliantly demonstrated
by the mammoth teeth figurine carvings of the High Danube region are certainly
among the most significant inventions of this culture.
Provenance was an old French collection, later an old German collection.
More details will follow the artifacts.
I guarantee absolutely for the authenticity of
this wonderful Middle European artifact.
Please view also my other auctions with relics
from the European Prehistory.