The book that is offered is the 1948 copyrighted, 1977 published by Wonder Books, a Division of Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., illustrated hardcover, A Child’s First Picture Dictionary by Lillian Moore and illustrated by Nettie Weber and Charles Clement.  This book measures 3/8 x 9 ¼ x 11 ½ inches (.254 x 23.495 x 29.21 centimeters) and has 48 pages of illustrated text.  This book is from our son’s collection of books.  The book is fully intact with a tight spine and no missing or marked pages.  There is a handwritten name and date on the inside front cover and slight corner bumps as the book was frequently viewed and read.  Please, observe all photos.

From inside the front cover the publisher has written:

What This Book Can Do For Your Child

Give your child the right start in learning to read.  This book has been prepared for just that purpose by Mrs. Lilian Moore, Specialist in Reading.

The words have been carefully selected.  The child’s own world—his home, his family, his play-life—has been woven into presentation of the key words.  This enjoyment of the familiar will at the same time contribute to the child’s success in reading when he goes to school.

If your child is ready to readif he has begun to receive reading instruction—this book will be most useful to him, because the 302 key words in it appear with great frequency in first- and second-grade readers.

As a parent, you know that your child learns most readily when his interest is aroused; that he learns most easily about the things with which he has some experience; that he learns most naturally through interesting repetition.  You will find that the author has faithfully adhered to these basic principles in her fresh and lively text.”

A Child’s First Picture Dictionary is a great book to introduce your young child to familiar words and to begin reading skills.