From A to K
Aglaia Konrad
392 pagina's

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Aglaia Konrad: From A to K at Museum Leuven, 29 April – 18 September 2016. The book is structured and typeset like an encyclopedia, offering a generous selection of hitherto unpublished images, both in color and in black-and-white, which are accompanied by an alphabetical list of headwords whose insistent presence multiplies the book’s organizing structure.
This list reflects the artist’s longstanding engagement with the shifting dimensions of public and private environments as they materialize in architecture, urbanism, and the city. In addition, it makes explicit the process and the choices that went into the book’s making—like an index of the manifold ideas leading up to this publication.

Textual contributions are spread throughout the book, titled after selected headwords from the list such as ‘(pre-)Architecture’, ‘Book’, ‘City’, ‘Concrete’, ‘Elasticity’, etc. They include essays and personal testimonies by Friedrich Achleitner, Hildegund Amanshauser, Elke Couchez, Penelope Curtis, Michiel Dehaene, Steven Humblet, Moritz Küng, Spyros Papapetros, Angelika Stepken, Edit Tóth, and the editors, and interventions by the artists Koenraad Dedobbeleer and Willem Oorebeek.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Aglaia Konrad: From A to K at Museum Leuven, 29 April – 18 September 2016.

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