Classic Archives Listing

NEW OFFER!!!!!!:

While our standard delivery is still DVD, we recognize not all of you have a DVD Player. 

We offer delivery on a USB flash drive for this, as a disk image .iso file, when you add USB Flash Drive Delivery from our ebay shop.  If you don't know how to work with a .iso file, please research it first or just buy it in DVD only.

NOTICE: If you don't see our listing for our USB flash drive delivery in our store at this link, that simply means we are currently waiting on more to arrive and can only offer CDs and DVDs at this time!  Check back soon!



Classic 30's, 40's, and 50's Drivers Education films

An original production published by The Classic Archives!

We've all seen them when we were teenagers.  Driver's Ed films.  Scare tactics.  You better drive safe and slow, or else!  Whether you learned to drive in the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, or earlier, odds are that you've watched these films or a different version of these films.  Regardless of the decade, the message remained the same.  Obey the speed limit, don't drink, and drive defensively. 

This collection takes you back to being a teenager.  Remind how exciting it was to first get your driver's license?  Relive that special time in your life, and get a good laugh, with this historic, vintage footage.  This DVD comes with a fully interactive menu and runs about 2 and a half hours long.  A list of films included is as follows:

The Cool Hot Rod (1953)

Uses narration by a teen-ager to show how a hot-rod club contributes to safe driving through its strict membership rules and restriction of speed runs to 'DRAG STRIPS

2 Parts, Sound, B&W, 25:09

Driving Tips, Series 1

Great old movie on driving tips.  Covers littering and other hazards.  Great footage of old classic cars running down the roads.

Sound, Color, 9:29

Driving Tips, Series 2

More driving tips from Sid Davis, this time covering such things as littering, traffic signs, going around curves, left turns, and hitchhikers. The section on road signs has a lot of great 50s signs in it. Again, this has lots of big, ugly 50s cars on narrow streets.

Sound, Color, 9:30

Last Date (1949)

Tells the story of Jeanne, a popular pretty girl until speed and an accident ruin her life. A good scare film.

Sound, B&W, 18:08

Live and Let Live (1947)

Set in a toy tabletop town, this film uses brightly colored model cars and trucks to demonstrate a range of driving safety scenarios. The number of near-misses and accidents would make for an extremely violent film if real vehicles and people were used, but the models keep the feeling of mayhem at a distance. An unusual example of a rich tradition within the safety film genre: the tabletop model.

Sound, B&W, 10:15

The Other Fellow (1937)

Comedian Edgar Kennedy teaches a driving safety lesson.

Sound, B&W,  8:14

Road Runners (ca. 1952)

Outlaw hot rodders become law-abiding gear heads after a community organizes supervised racing clubs and timing associations.

Sound, B&W,  12:34

Signal 30 (1959)

Legendary "shock" driving safety film featuring numerous scenes of mutilated cars and injured/dead people and a voiceover lacking in compassion. Produced in cooperation with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and shown to millions of young drivers for over 40 years. CONTENT ADVISORY: Many disturbing scenes of violent deaths and accident scenes.

2 Part, Sound, Color,  27:06

Stop Driving Us Crazy (1959)

Rusty, a spy from Mars, pays a visit to Earth and discovers how its inhabitants disrespect one another by driving poorly. The film espouses a Christian viewpoint on safety, stating that "reckless driving is a sin." The 1950s-style animation is great.  Director: Mel Emde. Writer: William Bernal. Designer: Cliff Roberts. Animators: Ken Mundie, Dick Drew, Sammy Kai. Voices: Howard Morris. Music: Benny Golson with Art Blakey and his Jazz Messengers. Executive Producer: Roger Burgess. Camera Effects: Bill Gage.

Sound, Color,  9:51

Tomorrow's Drivers (1954)

Socialization through driver education begins at a tender age in Phoenix.

Sound, B&W,  10:58

DVD Menu Sampler:


More Screen Pics:



DVD format and quality

All of our DVD's sold are formatted NTSC, without region coding.  This means that they will play on any NTSC DVD Player in the world.  The standard in USA is NTSC.  For those in Europe, your DVD player may be a PAL format, which will not work.  For those overseas customers, please verify that your DVD player can play NTSC disks.

Please note, that most of the films on our disks were made 40 years ago or more.  Some perhaps as old as 80 or 90 years!  As you can imagine, the movie making equipment of the time was a lot more primitive than the high tech equipment that they use today.  Also, many of these films were stored improperly for decades before being digitally coded.  As a result of this, these films are not what one would consider to be "DVD quality" today.   Many, if not most, are black and white.  The sound and picture quality is not perfect.  There are those occasional "snap, crackle, and pops" across many of these films.  We feel that these imperfections add to a film's charm, and provide for a more authentic viewing experience.  WIth that in mind, this collection may not be for those wishing to find digitally remastered and professional recolored duplications of the original work in perfect DVD quality.  Please keep that in mind prior to purchase, since we have fully disclosed that to you.

Catalog Number

This item is our catalog #J22.  If you purchase another item with this same catalog number, you will get two identical items.  Given this, we cannot offer refunds for customers who accidentally purchased two identical disks without reading this auction fully.
Questions and Answers:

Why should I buy from you?  There are lots of places to buy similar stuff on ebay.  What makes you so special?

What separates us from the rest is that we want you to be happy.  If you're happy, you'll buy from us again and tell your friends.  Getting one sale from you is great, but we want the next sale from you and the next one after that.  It isn't worth a few bucks to us to have one unhappy customer.  If you are unhappy, tell us and let us try to fix the problem.  How many sellers will say that?

Yeah, so, there are lots of other sellers on ebay.  Are you saying the rest of them will rip me off?

No, of course not.  But, beware of what people sell on ebay.  Many sellers on here will charge you an exhorbitant amount for shipping.  Many will "claim" to provide discount shipping only when you contact them, they'll tell you they'll take a quarter off the shipping price for each additional item.  We never do that.  Our combined shipping policy is clearly spelled out for those to see.  No tricky or cheap discounts.  Just Buy 3, Get One Free.  Simple as that.  Also, when comparing our films to those of others, take note of not only the price of the item, but also the content.  You'll see that we not only offer more films per package then our competition, and not only at the cheapest shipping, but also at the cheapest price too.

I live in country ABC, will your DVD work in my DVD player?

Short answer, probably.  Long answer, it depends.  There are two formats of DVD in the world.  NTSC and PAL.  NTSC is the standard for the US and I believe Japan, along with some other countries too.  PAL is popular in Europe.  If you have an NTSC DVD player (all USA customers), this disk will work for you.  If you have a PAL player, this won't.  Also, many commercial DVD's out there have region coding.  Without getting in a long discussion on it, none of our DVD's have any region coding, so that won't be an issue.  All you need to know is whether or not your DVD player is an NTSC format.

What if my disk arrives damaged?

We offer a no muss, no fuss guarantee that all damaged disks are replaced free of charge.

Testimonial emails from customers:

"Just got it,and I love it.  Where did you find this stuff?  I've been looking for these films forever.  I'm a high school Social Studies teacher and a big part of my lesson plan is World War II.  These films are invaluable, and they have been keeping my students engaged. Thank you so much."  Andrea P., Memphis, TN.

"My father served in WWII and I bought these films from him.  Many of them brought a tear to his eye.  We will treasure this collection."  Jeff H., Trenton, NJ.


"...Very moving and hard to watch.  I couldn't watch the whole thing. Just brought tears to my eyes."  Lucy N., Atlanta, GA.


"Those old fair films are absolutely amazing.  It really is like watching another world like you said.  I was glued to them for hours."  Jake P., San Diego, CA.


"My uncle was a firefigher for 36 years and I bought this collection for him.  He just loves it.  Thank you." Sarah P., Boston, MA.


"I'm a high school physics teacher and I bought your A-bomb films for my students.  Unbelievable footage.  Its hard to believe that we lived in fear all those years, and we are getting back to that time again."  Robert S., New York, NY.


Official PayPal Seal

Shipping and Payment information

Pay through PayPal using:

Official PayPal Seal

We are centrally located in America's heartland in the great state of Tennessee!

All items will be shipped out within 1 business day to your PayPal address. We will only ship to your PayPal verified address.  Please view our shipping and sales tax rules on our shipping and payments tab above.

All items are shipped by USPS first class mail.  In an effort to keep our costs down, that are passed along as low prices to you, all of our disks are packaged and shipped in economic sleeves and mailers.  All of our disks are labeled with a clean label and some graphics.  The disks are made this way for speed and cost, which translates into lower cost for you.  We focus our efforts on the quality of the material on the disk.  We do not believe in charging you an extra 3 or 4 dollars like some companies out there just to throw in a 25 cent plastic case and slap a color label on an item.  We believe you purchase for content, and ours is the best, although we still believe you will be pleased with the presentation.


The estimated delivery dates shown above are ebay's estimates, not ours.  Sometimes ebay's dates are completely unrealistic.  Every effort is made to get your item out the next day, but once it leaves us, we ask that you please understand that we do not guarantee delivery by any date, since the USPS does not give us a guarantee either.  Below is our estimates on what to expect:

:  Most times, your package will arrive in about 1 week after we ship them depending on where you are at.  However, lately the Post Office it seems has not been very cooperative with us and we've had a couple of customers wait a few days longer than that.  If the item does not arrive, please email us directly and let us know, and we will make it right.

:  Same deal above,  except your packages typically have been taking about 2 weeks or so after we ship them.  We've noticed that maybe 20% of overseas customers have been waiting as long as 4+ weeks for these shipments.  The only explanation we can come up with is that it must be stuck in some container in some dock waiting on customs clearance.  It happens, and for those 20% of customers, we apologize, but there is very little we can do about that.  Your disk will arrive or we will replace it.

Multiple items purchased by the same customer may or may not be shipped in the same package, at our discretion.  We do not offer any additional discounts on multiple items other than the ones noted above.

Feedback Policy:

Please offer us a chance to fix any problems before leaving us negative feedback for any reason by emailing us first with your problem.  The only thing we ask from our customers is that if they have a problem, that they give us a chance to fix the problem for them before they leave bad feedback.  If negative feedback is left without any prior communication, we will assume you are no longer interested in communicating and working things out.


If you run into issues and wish to speak with us, we ask that you please refrain from opening a request on ebay and email us directly by asking a question first, and give us a chance to answer you before you open a request!


If you have any questions prior to bidding, please use contact the seller above and let us know.  Thank you!!!!!!

Copyright notice and disclaimer:

We ARE THE AUTHOR OF THIS DISK.  We have full rights to distribute this collection.  Per eBay policy, we have ownership and rights to these disks and have full legal authorization to replicate the content at our discretion without any further permission.  All of our disks and other media are copyrighted by ADVPlans, LLC, and redistribution without our consent is prohibited.  We also believe that many takedown requests on eBay originate from competitors trying to gain an unfair advantage.

Copyright © 2015, The Classic Archives, LLC.  All rights reserved. (All of our DVD Menu's are branded with our name and web address)

Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media are free from copyright per the Copyright Act of 1976.   This content of this media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.  Verification is available upon request.   All unique content is copyrighted by ADV Plans, LLC.