These cheesecloths are 760cm square and are manufactured in the UK from high quality, unbleached, fine-weave 'Blueloom' muslin with fully oversewn edges. They are designed for cheese making and are oversewn with overlock stitching using high-strength cotton to ensure that they do not fray in use: naturally they have an exceptionally long working life.

Although these cheesecloths are produced with the cheesemaker in mind, they will have numerous other uses around the kitchen. As an example, they are perfect for straining fruit juices for the production of jellies and jams and are also useful for straining broth and soups etc.

For cheesemaking, it is usual to place the cheesecloth over a colander and then pour in the curds and whey. After a suitable time, the four corners of the cloth are gathered and the whey then allowed to continue dripping through (normally overnight). The ball of curd is then removed and can be used directly as soft cheese or subsequently pressed when a hard cheese is being produced.

The cheesecloths are also used for lining cheese moulds prior to placing under the press and for wrapping certain cheese that require prolonged storage.

Kept in stock 'on the roll' at 1.2metres wide - please enquire for larger quantity purchases.

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