Scented Paperbark (Melaleuca squarrosa) 200 Seeds

Melaleuca squarrosa, commonly known as the Scented Paperbark, is a medium shrub or small tree to some 12 metres 
Foliage is bright green, Bark is papery.The sweet scented flowers are cream, rarely white, 4 cm long bottlebrushes and borne terminally and appearing in late spring and summer.

This is a hardy, handsome shrub which forms a dense screen of neat, bright green foliage. The sweetly perfumed flowers contrast well with the leaves. It will tolerate severe coastal exposure, grows in wet or dry soils and is frost hardy.Full sun is preferred for good flowering and is sometimes used for the control of mossies.It also make a great hedge or wind break.

Packet contains approx 200 seeds

Care and propagation notes Included.