Scientific name: 
Roystonea regia
Common name (english): Cuban Royal Palm
Common name (spanish): Palma Real

The Cuban Royal Palm (Roystonea regia) is the national tree of Cuba. Is a majestic plant that grows from 50 to 70 feet tall with a canopy spread of up to 25 feet in diameter. 

Uses: It is used in Cuba for timber, thatch, and hog feed. It is very popular as a cultivated ornamental.

In Peru the leaf is used in preparing a decoction, for Medicinal and Veterinary purposes, in treating the Nervous system and mental health, and also as a aid to treat the Digestive system, edric.

The seeds were took this season, We have a lot of extremely rare plants if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.