Microbac is a special formulation of beneficial bacteria, enzymes and micro-organism consisting of more than seven major bacteria species and strains (aerobic and anaerobic) like yeasts, nitrosomas. nitrobacter, photosynthetic bacteria, and a special strain of beneficial bacteria. Advanced encapsulation methods allow the bacteria to be packed in concentrated form and activated upon contact with water. 30 capsules treat 3000 liters!

1. Rapidly colonizes your aquarium with bacteria necessary for the nitrogen cycle.

2. Cut down time needed to maintain filtration efficiency

3. Detoxifies and break down ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and organic waste

4. Reduces B.O.D. and C.O.D. (Biochemical/Chemical Oxygen Demand) thus increasing D.O. (Dissolved Oxygen)

5. Stabilizes water parameters in freshwater and marine aquariums

6. Breaks down organic sludge in your pond or aquarium

7. Controls harmful bacteria growth and prevents fish diseases.

8. Clarifies water by reducing "green water" and controls algae problems.

9. Improves health and immune system

10. Intensifies coloration of fish naturally

11. Added special minerals and trace elements

12. Maintains superior water quality and ideal for big exotic fishes such as arowana or stingray