Rainbow flowers hand painted sea beach glass necklace - 18" silver plated chain

Unique, hand crafted necklace. Individually hand painted. Beautiful hand painted English sea glass piece, decorated with silver plated wire wrapping. Supplied with silver plated hallmarked 18" chain. Painted to order

Matching earrings can be found here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rainbow-flowers-hand-painted-sea-glass-earrings-sterling-silver-925-earwires-/111704989856?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT

Sea glass is glass found on beaches alongside oceans, bays, rivers and lakes that has been tumbled by the natural currents and smoothed by grit and sand to produce gem-like, frosted shards.

All items carefully packed in organza gift pouch and padded envelope and only one postage price no matter how many items you buy from me :-)