Titles in this set :-

1) I Was Born for This

Format: Paperback 
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks
Language: English
000824409X - ISBN-10
978-0008244095 - ISBN-13
9780008244095 - ISBN-13

2) Solitaire 

Format: Paperback 
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks 
Language: English
0007559224 - ISBN-10
978-0007559220 - ISBN-13
9780007559220 - ISBN-13

3) Radio Silence
Format: Paperback
Language: English
0007559240 - ISBN-10
978-0007559244 - ISBN-13
9780007559244 - ISBN-13

4) Nick and Charlie: A Solitaire Novella
Format: Paperback
Publisher: HarperCollins
Language: English
0008389667 - ISBN-10
978-0008389666 - ISBN-13
9780008389666 - ISBN-13

5) This Winter: A Solitaire Novella
Format: Paperback
Publisher: HarperCollins
Language: English
0008412936 - ISBN-10
978-0008412937 - ISBN-13
9780008412937 - ISBN-13

Description :

1) I was Born for This
For Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark’s fandom has given her everything she loves – her friend Juliet, her dreams, her place in the world. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark. He’s their frontman – and playing in a band with his mates is all he ever dreamed of doing.

2 ) Solitaire
My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year – before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people – I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that’s all over now. Now there’s Solitaire. And Michael Holden.

3) Radio Silence
What if everything you set yourself up to be was wrong? Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret – not even the person she is on the inside. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship, unafraid to be herself. Then the podcast goes viral and the fragile trust between them is broken. Caught between who she was and who she longs to be, Frances’ dreams come crashing down. Suffocating with guilt, she knows that she has to confront her past…

4) Nick and Charlie
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? CHARLIE: "I have been going out with Nick Nelson for two years. He likes rugby, Formula 1, dogs, the Marvel universe, the sound felt-tips make on paper, rain and drawing on shoes. He also likes me.” NICK: "Things me and Charlie Spring do together include: Watch films. Sit in the same room on different laptops. Text each other from different rooms. Make out. Make food. Make drinks. Get drunk. Talk. Argue. Laugh. Maybe we're kind of boring. But that’s fine with us.”

5) This Winter
The festive season isn't always happy for Tori Spring and her brother Charlie. And this year's going to be harder than most. I used to think that difficult was better than boring, but I know better now… I’m not going to think about the past few months, about Charlie and me, and all of the sad. I’m going to block it all out Just for today.