Cats go Ga-Ga!

Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) - 75 Seeds.
Plant catnip in a place where your cats can rub and roll in it without
hurting adjacent plants. Some cats like catnip so much that they lie on it,
roll on it, and chew it to the point of destruction. If you find that to be the case,
place some 1- to 2-foot-long bamboo sticks or thin dowels every 2 to 3 inches
wherever you’re growing catnip to make it impossible for a cat to lie on top of the plant.

Catnip grows as a loosely branching, low perennial.
The plant bears tiny, white blooms that are not very showy.
You can also grow it in containers.

For indoor cats, grow several pots that you can rotate between outdoors
and indoors. Growing catnip requires a lot of light, so you’ll need to move indoor
pots back out every couple of weeks and bring in new ones.

Also consider growing catnip near the vegetable garden as a way to attract your
cat and thereby keep down the rodent population.
Harvest leaves by cutting the stems anytime during the growing season.
The foliage keeps its scent best when air-dried.
You can stuff sachets and cat pillows with dried leaves.
Dried leaves are also popular for herbal tea.
Harvest upon flowering, on a dry, sunny day.
Late morning is a good time to harvest... after the dew has dried
but before the day heats up. Cut off the whole plant at the base and
hang it upside down as soon as possible in a dark, dry, well-ventilated place.

Days to germinate - 14-21
Depth to sow - 1/4"
Final Spacing - 18"
Grows to height - 18"
Plant in - Full Sun
Harvest in - 80-90 days.

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