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The Supreme Cookbook Library
380 Vintage Cookbooks

Volume 1

(make sure you check out Volume 2 in our store)

  Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library

Learn all about cooking old school!

Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library


A must have resource for any cooking fan!

Neatly organized titles as shown, on one easy to use DVD.

Vintage Cookbooks LibraryAll books are PDF format that you know and trust, for easy reading and printing Vintage Cookbooks Library

No unknown or strange file formats!

Please ensure you have the latest copy of Adobe Reader installed on your machine (it is free online).

Notice: Please note, this disk is only for use in your computer's drive!  It will NOT play in the DVD Player hooked up to your TV or in your car!

Don't be fooled by inferior collections.  Our collection remains the largest and most complete collection available on one disk online!

One copy of these collectible books will cost you more than $10.  Why pay for one, when you can get all these on disk?

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library  

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

 Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library
Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

 Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Vintage Cookbooks Library

Learn all about cooking in the classic sense, with this collection of vintage cookbooks.

This collection on DVD contains 360 books, all in PDF format. 

Please note that this collection contains scans of old books, some of which were in poor condition before being rescued and digitized for posterity.  This means that you may see some pages with creases and tears that show up in the scans.

Publications List:

$1000 Worth of Useful Information and Valuable Recipes (1857), 19 pages
175 Choice Recipes Mainly Furnished by Members of the Chicago Women’s Club (1887), 87 pages
250 Meatless Recipes & Menus: To Meet the Requirements of People Under the Varying Conditions of Age, Climate, and Work (1910), 222 pages
365 Orange Recipes: An Orange Recipe for Everyday in the Year (1909), 169 pages
A Book of Dorcas Dishes: Family Recipes (1911), 130 pages
A Book with Practical Recipes for the Housewife (1900), 287 pages
A Book of Recipes for the Cooking School (1921), 328 pages
A Book of Tried Recipes (1890), 189 pages
A Calendar of Dinners with 615 Recipes (1922), 239 pages
A Choice Collection of Test Receipts w/ a Chapter on Preparation of Food for the Sick (1897), 115 pages
A Collection of Tested Recipes Home Delight (1890), 157 pages
A Cook Book for Nurses (1911), 115 pages
A Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and Cookery (1887), 127 pages
A Dozen Dainty Recipes for Preparing War Department Canned Meats (1920), 15 pages
A Friend in the Kitchen or What to Cook and How to Cook it (1908), 118 pages
A Laboratory Manual of Foods and Cookery (1916), 354 pages
A New Book of Cookery (1921), 627 pages
A New System of Domestic Cookery (1807), 294 pages
A Poetical Cook-Book (1864), 151 pages
A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband (1917), 485 pages
A Treatise on Flour, Yeast, Fermentation and Baking, Together w/ Recipes for Bread and Cakes (1914), 127 pages
Atlanta Woman’s Club Cook Book (1921), 284 pages
“Auntie Babette’s” Home Confectionery (1893), 45 pages
“Aunt Babette’s” Cook Book (1893), 584 pages
Aunt Caroline’s Dixieland Recipes (1922), 164 pages
Ayuda Cook Book (1920), 78 pages
Benson Woman’s Club Cook Book: Containing Over 400 of Our Own and Our Friends Choice Recipes (1915), 181 pages
Best Recipes for Baking (1907), 141 pages
Better Meals for Less Money (1917), 309 pages
Book of Caloric Fireless Cook Stove Recipes (1908), 156 pages
Book of Recipes (1921), 201 pages
Boston Receipts: 200 Common-Sense Receipts (1876), 71 pages
Boston School Kitchen Textbook (1914), 271 pages
Braxton’s Practical Cook Book (1886), 98 pages
Bread and Cake Baking (1877), 75 pages
Bread and Pastry Recipes of the World Famous Chefs, U.S., Canada, Europe, The Bread and and Pastry Book (1913), 83 pages
Bread Making and Bread Baking (1915), 131 pages
Breakfast, Dinner and Supper: How to Cook and How to Serve Them (1897), 360 pages
Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea (1875), 480 pages
Burlington Ladies Cook Book (1901), 107 pages
Cake, Candy and Culinary Crinkles (1912), 231 pages
California Mexican-Spanish Cookbook (1914), 68 pages
California Recipe Book (1872), 52 pages
Caloric Book of Recipes: A Compilation of More than 300 Superior Recipes (1914), 152 pages
Camp Cookery (1910), 190 pages
Candlelight Tea; a Book of Recipes (1910), 54 pages
Cant Fair Cook Book (1915), 73 pages
Caroline King’s Cook Book (1918), 313 pages
Cassell’s Dictionary of Cookery (1892), 1299 pages
Catering for Special Occasion w/ Menus & Recipes (1911), 266 pages
Catering for Two: Comfort and Economy for Small Households (1898), 307 pages
Catherine Owen’s New Cook Book (1885), 260 pages
Centennial Cookery Book (1887), 220 pages
Central Congregational Church Cook Book (1913), 154 pages
Chafing Dish Possibilities (1898), 169 pages
Chi Omega Cook Book (1900), 252 pages
Childs’ Book of Recipes for Managers (1910), 75 pages
Childs: Recipes for Cooking and Preparing (1913), 94 pages
Chinese Cookery in Home Kitchen (1911), 143 pages
Choice Cookery (1889), 333 pages
Choice Recipes (1900), 63 pages
Chop-Sticks (1884), 167 pages
Christianity in the Kitchen a Physiological Cook Book (1853), 219 pages
Christopher House Guild Cook Book (1912), 207 pages
Clayton’s Quaker Cook-Book (1883), 106 pages
Clever Cooking (1896), 341 pages
Cloud City Cook-Book (1889), 75 pages
Club House Cook Book (1916), 204 pages
Club Woman’s Cookbook (1913), 214 pages
Colorado Cookbook (1883), 44 pages
Columbia Cook Book (1902). 171 pages
Common Sense in the Household (1872), 559 pages
Conservation Recipes (1918), 218 pages
Consolidated Library of Modern Cooking and Household Recipes (1904), 318 pages
Cook and Housekeepers Complete and Universal Dictionary (1822), 547 pages
Cookbook (1915), 178 pages
Cookbook (1920), 68 pages
Cook Book 365 (1915), 376 pages
Cook Book: Containing Recipes for a # of Excellent Dishes Which Can be Made Best W/ this Food Chopper (1900), 24 pages
Cook Book of the Alberta B. George Missionary Society (1920), 46 pages
Cook Book of the Sierra Madre Womans Club (1909), 76 pages
Cookery for Invalids Persons of Delicate Digestion, and for Children (1876), 247 pages
Cookery for Little Girls (1910), 174 pages
Cookery Recipes (1902), 117 pages
Cookery Reformed or the Lady’s Assistant (1755), 397 pages
Cooking Course (1912), 42 pages
Cooking for Profit (1893), 379 pages
Cooking for Profit: Catering and Food Service Management (1922), 324 pages
Cooking for Two (1909), 466 pages
Cooking Hints and Helps to Reduce the Cost of Living (1913), 74 pages
Cooking in Old Creole Days (1903), 173 pages
Cooking School Recipes (1890), 120 pages
Cornerstone Club Cook Book (1913), 31 pages
Corona Club Cook Book (1910), 272 pages
Crumbs From Everybody's Table: A Cook Book (1902), 336 pages
Culinary Echoes From Dixie (1914), 293 pages
Culture and Cooking or, Art in the Kitchen (1881), 135 pages
Cupids Book of Good Counsel (1918), 112 pages
Dainties (1894), 44 pages
Dainty Desserts (1922), 213 pages
Daniel Webster Cook Book (1907), 122 pages
Date Cook Book (1919), 76 pages
Dedham Receipts (1871), 34 pages
Dehydrating Foods Fruits, Vegetables, Fish and Meats (1920), 238 pages
Delicious Dishes (1915), 89 pages
Delicious Recipes (1920), 36 pages
Directions for Cookery Being a System of the Art in its Various Branches (1837), 439 pages
Dishes & Beverages of the Old South (1913), 322 pages
Dixie Cookery (1867), 147 pages
Domestic Cook Book (1888), 395 pages
Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers (1859), 318 pages
Dr. Chase’s Recipes (1874), 655 pages
Dr. Prices Delicious Desserts (1904), 56 pages
Eating for Strength (1888), 253 pages
Echos of Southern Kitchens (1916), 99 pages
Economical Cookery (1918), 394 pages
Economical Cooking (1912), 169 pages
Economical Diet and Cookery in Time of Emergency (1917), 16 pages
Economy Cook Book (1918), 233 pages
Euerka Cook Book (1907), 191 pages
European and American Cuisine (1903), 624 pages
Everyday Meals: Being Economic and Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Luncheon, and Supper (1877), 335 pages
Every Woman’s Cook Book (1911), 229 pages
Everyday Cook Book (1891), 74 pages
Everything for the Table (1880), 74 pages
Everywoman’s Cook Book (1922), 50 pages
Excelsior Cook Book: and Housekeeper’s Aid (1870), 292 pages
Famous Old Receipts (1908), 385 pages
Farm and Home Cook Book and Housekeeper’s Assistant (1907), 362 pages
From House to House: A Book of Odd Recipes From Many Homes (1916), 305 pages
Favorite Dishes (1893), 275 pages
Favorite Recipes (1903), 115 pages
Favorites Recipes (1923), 230 pages
Fifty Valuable and Delicious Recipes Made With Corn Meal for 50 Cents (1917), 24 pages
Fireless Cooker Recipes (1909), 26 pages
Fish, Flesh, and Fowl a Cook Book (1898), 117 pages
Flower City Cook Book (1891), 106 Pages
Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent (1912), 392 pages
Food and Feeding (1879), 133 pages
Food and Freedom (1918), 278 pages
Food Efficiency of the Best Food for the Least Money (1920), 267 pages
Foods of the Foreign-Born (1922), 113 pages
For Danish Appetites Cook Book (1900), 71 pages
For Luncheon and Supper Guests (1922), 106 pages
French Cookery for American Homes (1901), 293 pages
Gems for the kitchen (1886), 84 pages
General Mess Manual and Cookbook (1904), 35 pages
Gillett’s Magic Cook Book (1892), 293 pages
Gold Medal Four Cook Book (1910), 73 pages
Golden Rule Bazaar Encyclopedia of Cookery (1892), 445 pages
Good Cooking (1898), 268 pages
Good Food: How to Prepare It (1920), 235 pages
Good Housekeeper’s Cook Book (1914), 274 pages
Good Housekeeping Family Cook Book (1906), 327 pages
Good Housekeeping’s Book of Menu’s, Recipes, and Household Discoveries (1922), 261 pages
Good Luck Cook Book (1912), 115 pages
Good Recipes (1906), 80 pages
Good things to Eat (1913), 281 pages
Good-Living: A Practical Cookery-Book for Town and Country (1890), 615 pages
Grand Rapids Receipt Book (1873), 84 pages
Gulf City Cook Book (1878), 325 pages
Hamilton Cook Book (1914), 346 pages
Hand-Book for the Kitchen and Housekeeper’s Guide (1879), 365 pages
Hand-Book of Household Science (1902), 606 pages
Handbook of Practical Cookery (1886), 364 pages
Handbook of Recipes (1918), 138 pages
Hanover Cook Book (1922), 303 pages
Harrison’s Flavoring Extracts (1870), 39 pages
Hartford Election Cake and Other Receipts (1889), 132 pages
Hawaiian Cook Book (1920), 147 pages
Heart of the Wheat a Book of Recipes (1910), 53 pages
High Living Recipes from Southern Climes (1907), 82 pages
Hints from Southern Epicures (1892), 73 pages
Hobart Boulevard Cook Book (1915), 100 pages
Home Baking (1912), 99 pages
Home Bureau and Community Cook Book (1921), 168 pages
Home Candy Making (1911), 101 pages
Home Cookery (1881), 137 pages
Home Dissertations (1891), 208 pages
Home Economic Club of the Four Counties Group Cook Book (1900), 76 pages
Home Helps (1910), 62 pages
Hood’s Cook Book #3 (1884), 36 pages
Hood’s Cook Book #2 (1888), 38 pages
Hood’s Practical Cooks Book (1897), 362 pages
Hoover’s Book of Recipes (1888), 162 pages
Hospitality: Recipes and Entertainment for All Occasions (1922), 230 pages
Hot Weather Dishes (1888), 65 pages
Housekeeper’s Companion (1889), 230 pages
Housekeeping in the Blue Grass: A New and Practical Cook Book (1881), 234 pages
Housewives Favorite Recipes: For Cold Dishes, Dainties Chilled Drinks Etc. (1916), 141 pages
How to Cook Fish: Recipes (1886), 75 pages
How to Cook Fish (1908), 541 pages
How to Cook in Casserole Dishes (1912), 294 pages
How to Cook Shell-Fish (1907), 355 pages
How to Cook Well (1886), 437 pages
How to Cook, Carve and Eat (1870), 444 pages
How to Cook Veggies (1909), 664 pages
How to Use Olive Butter a Collection of Valuable Cooking Recipes (1883), 26 pages
How We Cook in L.A. (1894), 381 pages
Ice Cream: Practical Recipes for Making Ice Cream (1886), 12 pages
Ice Creams, Water Ices Frozen Puddings (1913), 181 pages
In the Kitchen (1875), 575 pages
Indianapolis Cook Book (1883), 267 pages
Individual Recipes in Use at Drexel Institute (1907), 101 pages
Italian Cooking (1900), 238 pages
Jane Hamilton’s Recipes (1909), 228 pages
Jennie June’s American Cookery Book (1878), 418 pages
Joe Tilden’s Recipes for Epicures (1907), 152 pages
Journal Cook (1889), 66 pages
Just for Two: a Collection of Recipes Designed for Two Persons (1903), 227 pages
Kentucky Cook Book: Easy and Simple for Any Cook (1912), 52 pages
Klever Kinks in Kookery (1916), 51 pages
King’s Daughter Cook Book 680 Recipes (1916), 284 pages
King’s Highway Cook Book (1894), 76 pages
La Cuisine Creole: A Collection of Culinary Recipes (1885), 276 pages
Ladies’ Aid Cook Book (1909), 116 pages
Lady’s New Receipt-Book (1850), 519 pages
Larkin Housewives Cook Book (1915), 145 pages
Left Overs (1898), 91 pages
Left-Overs Made Palatable (1902), 196 pages
Lessons in the Proper Feeding of the Family (1909), 57 pages
Liberty Recipes (1918), 123 pages
Light Entertaining: A Book of Dainty Recipes for Special Occasions (1910), 86 pages
Like Mother Use to Make (1912), 210 pages
Lizzie’s Cook Book (1891), 135 pages
Loaves and Fishes (1900), 154 pages
Los Angeles Cookery (1881), 175 pages
Louis Every Womans Cook Book (1910), 253 pages
Low Cost Cooking (1915), 132 pages
Low Cost Recipes (1914), 211 pages
Lowney’s Cook Book (1921), 461 pages
Luncheon (1888), 76 pages
Luncheons a Cooks Picture Book (1902), 344 pages
Majestic Range Catalogue Cook Book (1893), 100 pages
Manual of Wheatless Recipes (1918), 50 pages
Margery Daw in the Kitchen, and What She Learned There (1883), 101 pages
Marion Harland’s Cook Book (1900), 163 pages
Marion Harlands’ Complete Cook Book (1903), 864 pages
Mary Jane’s Cook Book (1916), 339 pages
May Irwin’s Home Cooking (1904), 282 pages
Mazdaznan Home Cook Book (1901), 35 pages
Meals for the Million: The People’s Cook-Book (1879), 89 pages
Meat Substitutes (1907), 115 pages
Meats Poultry and Game, How to Buy, Cook and Carve With a Potpourri of Recipes (1919), 154 pages
Merrell-Soule Products in the Bakery (1919), 98 pages
Midnight Feasts: Two Hundred & Two Salads and Chafing-Dish Recipes (1914), 164 pages
Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book (1846), 313 pages
Miss Beecher’s Housekeeper: Containing 500 Recipes (1873), 495 pages
Miss Leslie’s Complete Cookery: Directions for Cookery in its Various Branches (1851), 533 pages
Miss Leslie’s Lady’s New Receipt-Book (1850), 519 pages
Miss Parloa’s Kitchen Companion (1887), 981 pages
Modern Cookery; In All its Branches (1860), 414 pages
Modern Cooking (1920), 428 pages
The Modern Housewife or Menagere (1850), 391 pages
Modern Meatless Cook Book (1910), 153 pages
Modern Practical Cake Baking (1915), 159 pages
Mohawk Valley Cook Book (1889), 106 pages
Monarch Cook Book (1906), 149 pages
More Receipts (1852), 532 pages
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Recipes (1887), 92 pages
Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (1907), 2257 pages
Mrs. Allen’s Cook Book (1917), 841 pages
Mrs. Charles H. Gibson’s Maryland and Virginia Cook Book (1894), 469 pages
Mrs. Clarke’s Cookery Book (1883), 395 pages
Mrs. DeGraf’s Cook Book (1922), 381 pages
Mrs. Dwelle’s Cook Book (1911), 188 pages
Mrs. Elliott’s Housewife Containing Practical Receipts in Cookery (1870), 369 pages
Mrs. Hale’s Receipts for the Million (1857), 748 pages
Mrs. Hills New CookBook (1870), 421 pages
Mrs. Lincoln’s Boston Cook Book (1902), 628 pages
Mrs. M. T. Wellborn’s Recipes for Preserving Fruits (1874), 19 pages
Mrs. Norton’s Cook Book (1917), 655 pages
Mrs. Owen’s Illinois Cook Book (1871), 378 pages
Mrs. Putnam’s Receipt Book (1849), 158 pages
Mrs. Rorer’s New Cook Book (1902), 849 pages
Mrs. Rorer’s My Best 250 Recipes (1907), 172 pages
Mrs. Scott’s North American Seasonal Cook Book (1921), 262 pages
Mrs. Seely’s Cook Book (1902), 555 pages
Mrs. Snow’s Practical Cook Book (1903), 218 pages
Mrs. Welchs CookBook (1884), 300 pages

PLUS ANOTHER 100 more books on the DVD!

I'm running out of room to list them all here!! 

      Vintage Cookbooks LibraryVintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks LibraryVintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library Vintage Cookbooks Library

Make sure you check out our other listings.  Our library is ever expanding.

Overall, we believe our product provides the best value out there.  We provide more for less! 

Catalog Number and disclaimer

Catalog #TCA-E35

If you purchase another item with this same catalog number, you will get two identical items.  We are the owner and creator of this disk, and we have full distribution rights to this item.  Distribution rights are non-transferable.  This disk is our creation, and we participate in eBay's Vero Program.  Each disk is shipped in a plain mailer with no case.


Comments from happy customers who bought many other of our items from our vast catalog:

In 1959 I purchased an original home built “Thing” and ran it for several years on the Willamette River. Years later it got rotten and subsequently discarded. Now the Son of the man who originally built it from the magazine plans in his wood shop in Milwaukie, Oregon works with me and he helped his Dad build it in 1958. We decided to search for the plans and if we found them; I (an engineer) would upgrade it for two adults and build it. I bought your disk and building started last May 25 and it was ready to launch July 20th. You are welcome to use the photos and my “title” as a former white water guild; River Rat Bob from Oregon. Hope you enjoy the pictures attached. I am 60 years old but still chasing the dream as you see from my smile in the boat. 

Thank you for the great plans.  Unbelievable amount of information for the money.  I can't wait to get started. -Jeff D., New Mexico.

I built the doghouse using the plans I purchased from you a week ago, and it was great.  Easy to read and follow, it was a great purchase.  The kids helped, and the dog just loves it.  Thank you so much. It'll take years to go through all the stuff I want to build on your CD.  Andrew H., Colorado.

The jungle gym for the kids is amazing.  We bought the plans 2 weeks ago, and built the whole thing last weekend. We are so impressed with the amount of information shown.  It is a virtual encyclopedia of plans.  Thanks.  Josh L., New Mexico.

My God!!  That's more boats than I can build in a lifetime!  Unbelievable! The best I have ever seen.  Thank you! Craig J., South Carolina.

I've seen plenty of plans on boats.  This is the best all around package of information I've come across.  Jake M., Florida.

This has saved me so much time.  I've spent weeks looking for stuff like this.  Well worth the few bucks to get this CD.  Jimmy K., Arkansas.

I bought a CD a few weeks ago that had a bunch of links and junk on it that was ripped off from websites and other useless information.  I thought long and hard before trying again and buying from you. I can actually use this stuff.  I'm so glad I did.  A.K., Arizona.

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Yeah, so, there are lots of other sellers on ebay.  Are you saying the rest of them will rip me off?

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:  Most times, your package will arrive in about 1 week after we ship them depending on where you are at.  However, lately the Post Office it seems has not been very cooperative with us and we've had a couple of customers wait a few days longer than that.  If the item does not arrive, please email us directly and let us know, and we will make it right.

:  Same deal above,  except your packages typically have been taking about 2 weeks or so after we ship them.  We've noticed that maybe 20% of overseas customers have been waiting as long as 4+ weeks for these shipments.  The only explanation we can come up with is that it must be stuck in some container in some dock waiting on customs clearance.  It happens, and for those 20% of customers, we apologize, but there is very little we can do about that.  Your disk will arrive or we will replace it.

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