D.LINE 100% Cotton Fibres Cheese Cloth 2.5 Square Metre

Named for its original use as a wrap for pressed cheeses, cheesecloth has become one of the most versatile kitchen accessories. 

The most common uses are straining stocks or broths, the fine weave allowing only the liquid to flow through. 

Cheesecloth is also useful in straining custards, bundling herbs and bouquet garni, making tofu, and thickening yogurt.

100% Cotton Fibres

2.5 Square Metres

Perfect for cooking, polishing, cleaning and drying

Traditionally used when making cheese to draing the cheese away from the liqud, the cheesecloth is used in many ways

For straining soups when only the broth is needed in a recipe. 

Making Custard, or for making a bouquet garni the fine weave will allow the liquid to flow around the herbs and contain any leaves or seeds that may float away.

Can be used to make tofu or simply used to polish, clean in the kitchen.