Réparation + sechage instantanné

It is a flexible patch that is designed to temporarily seal any ding and can be left on for as long as required. It will never leak or come off until intentionally removed.
It differentiates from any of the other repair products by having no curing/drying time and no need to sand the product. After application, just smooth it with your finger and get back in the water.
- For warm water
- A quick fix for both polyester and epoxy boards
(Surfboards, SUP's, kite boards, wake boards, sail boards)
- An easy to use temporary or permanent repair
- Pulls off with minimal residue if you want the professional fix
- Super sticky so it will stay on in any conditions
- Travel Safe so you can take it on any surf trip
- Totally frictionless when wet
- No sanding or drying time, as soon as you finish applying it you can surf it
- Specially formulated to never completely harden for easy removal