2007 SUZUKI EIGER 400 4X4 LT F400 FK7

   These parts are from a 2007 SUZUKI  EIGER 400 4X4 LT F400 FK7. We run the part numbers in our best attempt to find comparable makes and models it will fit. Please take the time to verify that the parts you are buying are the right parts you need with the part numbers given.  We are not responsible for you buying the wrong part. Take note when buying the part you are acknowledging that you are aware of the above condition and take full responsibility for your purchase. We are not responsible for bearings, bushings, bulbs, or rubber parts as these units are used. Replacement of normal wear and tear parts may need to be purchased in addition. If you are buying a part that also contains additional parts understand we are only guaranteeing the part we are selling and you are buying. Our eBay reputation means everything!! This said, please, please; please contact me “TIM” at 904-755-7788 if for any reason you are not satisfied with your part. We will work with you to remedy the situation and leave you feeling HAPPY ;)

ATTENTION:  Please be sure the address you provide on eBay is a legitimate, deliverable address. If items are returned because of address issues, we will not pay for shipping twice. Thanks.