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ORIGINAL Chinese silvered bronze mirror

Diameter : 5 inches.

Please Note: This Chinese bronze mirror is in the style of the HAN DYNASTY (202 BC - 220 A.D.)

BUT we believe that this is a 'HAN' copy created in the SONG DYNASTY (960 AD - 1279 A.D. ).

If this was original 'Han Dynasty' this mirror would be in a museum and the price would be over £25,000.

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CONDITION (please see the pictures)


 There are no repairs to this Old Chinese shaman's mirror.

The mirror is 100% genuine and original as found.

The surface has expected weathering, wear, degradation and abrasions as a consequence of age.

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A TLV mirror is a type of circular bronze mirror with engraved symbols resembling the letters T, L, and V. The design of TLV mirrors is cosmologically significant. The V shapes serves to give the inner square the appearance of being placed in the middle of a cross. This forms an illustration of the Chinese idea of the five directions North, South, West, East and Centre. The central square represents China as the Middle Kingdom. The area in between the central square and the circle represents the Four Seas. During the Han Dynasty the Four Seas represented territories outside China. The central square within the round mirror alludes to the ancient Chinese idea that heaven is round, and earth is square. The T’s represent the concept of the Four Gates of the Middle Kingdom, an idea present in Chinese literature. The L’s symbolize the marshes and swamps beyond the Four Seas, at the ends of the earth. The eight nipples outside of the central square are a representation of the Eight Pillars, mountains that held up the canopy of heaven. This mirror was designed to place its owner at the centre of the cosmos, a favourable position symbolically protected by the Animals of the Four Directions—the Green Dragon of the East, the Red Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Warrior (tortoise and snake) of the North.

Most bronze mirrors are round which symbolises perfection and bliss. Round shapes in ancient China also represented reunion, fortune and satisfaction in love and marriage. Since the nature of reflection is somewhat mysterious people were prone to associate mirrors with the supernatural. The ancient Chinese believed bronze mirrors could dispel evil spirits and bad energy and so mirrors became a favourite item that the deceased were buried with. Bronze mirrors were also used to keep the home safe from evil spirits, criminals and misfortune. The ancient Chinese also used mirrors in various social functions, they were given as gifts to and by emperors and common people alike. In the Buddhist and Taoist rituals bronze mirrors were important worship paraphernalia. With its light-reflecting property the mirror was also a fitting accessory for the Buddha of Eternal Light.

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Please Note: This Chinese bronze mirror is in the style of the HAN DYNASTY (202 BC - 220 A.D.)

BUT we believe that this is a 'HAN' copy created in the SONG DYNASTY (960 AD - 1279 A.D. ).

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ORIGINAL Chinese silvered bronze mirror

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This is the middle 'lug' or where it would be attached to a belt or shaman's coat.

This 'lug' is part of the casting and has not been welded on, this shows the fine quality of this mirror.

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Please Note: This Chinese bronze mirror is in the style of the HAN DYNASTY (206 BC - 220 A.D.)

BUT we believe that this is a 'HAN' copy created in the SONG DYNASTY (1127 AD - 1279 A.D. ).

If this was original 'Han Dynasty' this mirror would be in a museum and the price would be over £25,000.

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To heal someone, you must first know why people suffer.  If through healing them, you can show them how to stop suffering, you have fulfilled your role as a physician.

At he heart of all suffering there is a spiritual remedy that comes about from knowing the relationships between karma and suffering.  Karma comes from the chaos that exists within all living creatures, all aspects of this world and the universe at large. Some chaos is good, some indifferent, some bad, but it is the stuff from which happiness and then enlightenment can be made.

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Mirrors have been used in China since ancient times for both practical and spiritual purposes.

Thousands of examples of these early bronze mirrors have been excavated and these mirrors can be found in collections worldwide.

Bronze casting technology has been known in China since at least 2750 B.C., which is the earliest known bronze object to date.

Bronze was a core component of the ancient Chinese world.

Bronze was cast to serve the principle affairs of the state, both ritual and war.

Control of bronze objects not only meant control of the instruments of war, but also access to heaven since bronze was the principle material for ritual objects.

Ancient China had all the resources required to make bronze within their borders including copper, tin and lead ores.

There are over 800 copper ore deposits in China with most of them producing copper in ancient times.

Craftsmen used many different alloys for different types of objects showing they had very good control of alloy composition and a clear understanding of their different properties.

Chinese bronze shaman mirrors probably evolved out of circular reflecting disks associated with cultures to the north of the Shang and early Zhou states.

There are many undecorated disks that have been discovered in burial tombs placed both on top of and next to the deceased.

The earliest decorated mirror is only 9 cm in diameter and has a simple star decoration.

This simple Shaman mirror was discovered in a tomb in modern day Qinghai province and dates to the Xia Dynasty (2100-1600 B.C.)

By the Eastern Zhou era (771-256 B.C.), mirrors attained the status of a unique object in the Chinese tradition with their form and decoration becoming distinctive among the other bronze objects of the period.

Chinese bronze shaman mirrors were initially produced in very small numbers, but they were created in large numbers during the late Zhou and Han Dynasties.

To satisfy the demand for making these special mirrors foundries were built in the major capital cities.

Mirror production flourished from the Warring States period (475-206 B.C.) until the Tang dynasty (618- 906).

Most Chinese bronze / Shaman  mirrors are round, but square and rectangular mirrors were also produced.

The back of these mirrors were decorated while the front of the mirrors were finely polished creating the reflective (mirror) surface.

The decorated side of the bronze mirror was full of symbolism especially in the earlier dynasties.

The Chinese believed that by using symbols representing the universe, it would be possible to acquire some of the universe’s power to gain both strength and protection from evil.

Round mirrors represent heaven, square mirrors represent the earth.

Cast inscriptions were added to the decoration of mirrors beginning around 200 B.C. during the Western Han period.

The inscriptions which are like incantations or prayers, were meant to attract supernatural powers and bring good fortune for the living or,

If placed in tombs, to assist the dead by keeping evil spirits away.

These Chinese bronzes  mirrors could be held in the hand or grasped by a cord passed through the pierced knob on the back (the lug).

 The knobs / lugs are often simple domes, but they can be very decorative taking many different forms.

Cold pressure welding was an early technique used during the Zhou dynasty before amalgam gilding was invented.

The bronze surface may have been prepared chemically, then the metal sheet was applied to the surface by careful preheating and then burnishing.

Mercury gilding with both silver and gold was used in China by the late 4th century B.C.

The silver or gold was dissolved in boiling mercury and the resulting paste smeared on the surface of the mirror before being fired.

During the Tang Dynasty, the decorated side of some mirrors were made with gold or silver sheet.

These are very rare mirrors and these mirrors were very small.

Very few of these mirrors were ever made due to the expense.

A few Chinese / Shaman mirrors were painted but very few remain intact and if original are very rare.

Chinese / shaman  mirrors were valued for ritual purposes associated with the power of reflection.

Chinese spirits, both good and bad, are supposed to throng the earth and plaque the living.

Chinese / shaman mirrors have the power to ward off evil since the form of any invisible spirit which will become visible when reflected in the mirror.

Taoist scholars are said to have worn a mirror hanging down their back so they could pursue their studies without fear of being harmed by the invisible spirits all around them.

Nothing was considered more powerful in warding off evil spirits than the threat of making them visible in the mirror.

It was not only the living who were protected by these Chinese / shaman mirrors, the dead were also protected.

In burial, mirrors were often placed face up on the breast of the deceased to protect them from evil spirits.

Mirrors were also buried along side their owners with food, drink and the other prized and necessary possessions to ensure a comfortable eternity.

Chinese / shaman mirrors have continued to be used over the years in China and they can still be found in private homes, on shop fronts and on public buildings as protection against evil spirits.

The composition of the bronze alloy to cast Chinese / shaman  mirrors was very carefully chosen.

These mirrors are composed of about 70% copper, 25% tin and 5% lead.

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                                              Old Shamans Coat                                    Mongolian Shamans Coat

The above pictures are of old (ancient) shaman's coats. These coats are an essential part of a real shaman's ancient traditions. These coats are made from a combination of silk and fur and on them hang glass beads, shells, bronze bells, pieces of blessed and empowered cloth, thogchags (Mongolian & Tibetan charms), and Bronze Shaman's mirrors (Toli & Melong). All of these items make up the Shaman's universe and are needed for his special ancient healing. These coats can be very heavy with all the bronze Toli and Melong (Mirrors) Thogchag (Mongolian and Tibetan Charms) and other sacred and blessed items. These coats are special healing articles and contain much of the sacred power that the Shaman will draw upon in his healing and magical work. By wearing coats such as these the Shaman is actually wearing and is always reminded of his special magical universe. The Shamans coat is part of his protective armour which protects him from hostile and very dangerous spirits while he shamanises and heals. The large Toli and Melong (Shamans mirrors) are hung on the coat to deflect the attack of hostile and dangerous spirits and also act as a home for the Shaman's own helper sacred spirits.

As far back as the historical record goes, shamanism was the oldest religion practiced in Asia, which was once a single cultural area extending over Russia, China, India, Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal and Persia. The old religion of Mongolia is shamanism, the worship without scripture, the faith which had no books, the hallmarks of the shaman were ecstatic trembling, involuntary speaking and singing. Early shaman wore white dresses and rode white horses. All Mongolian shaman including those who had abandoned the rest of their ceremonial dress wore a belt of leather hung with mirrors. Altaic shamans wear nine mirrors. The mirrors are called toli and this apron has several names: the "blue cloud-bee" and also boge-yin kulug the "mount of the shaman".

One Mongolian shaman was quoted as saying that in his toli mirror, his spirit horse lives and will come when he calls.

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The above two pictures are of a Shaman's mirror costume from North East Manchuria ,The Peoples Republic of China.

This Shaman's costume (pictures above) is one of a series of elements which allowed a shaman’s body to transform into a ‘vessel’ that received different spirits. Among the Imin Numinchen, shamans were primarily concerned with healing, prediction and with people’s relations with their ancestors.
This costume belonged to a young female shaman who died in the 1930s, aged 25. No two costumes are identical. They are assembled and added to as a shaman becomes more experienced, incorporating materials from different sources. The brass mirrors came from Chinese merchants.

The heavy shaman's mirrors act in a double capacity – they protect the shaman by deflecting harm, while revealing what is normally invisible to the human eye. The number of mirrors on the costume indicates the shaman’s powers and maps a geographical cosmos. By wearing the costume, the shaman is located in the centre of this cosmos.
During performance, a shaman is seized by one or more ancestral spirits, so that what is inside the mirror-costume is the spirits, rather than the shaman’s body. Here, the body is something open to forces that can control it, inhabit its form and shape its physical features.

This is an old, original Chinese Shaman's mirror. This type of shaman's mirror has been used for many thousands of years. These amulets are used for divination and protection. Mongolians hang them over their front doors, inside their houses or wear them as talismans.The front of the shaman's mirror will mirror away negativity by reflecting it away from you.

The Shaman's mirror.

The Mongolian Shaman’s Toli (mirror) is used to ward off and to reflect away evil. These mirrors are also used in traditional Feng Shui to reflect away all negative influences and to increase all positive influences. Small Toli shaman mirrors can be worn as amulets.


These Toli mirrors are often found in archaeological digs as they had a major role in ancient death traditions where a mirror was often placed on the dead person’s chest to keep the person safe on their journey to the next world.  There are many wall paintings in old tombs that show Shaman holding up these Toli so that any bad spirits would be frightened away. These magical mirrors have many different names depending on the region that the Shaman comes from. In Manchuria they are called Panaptu, in Mongolia they are called ‘Toli’, and in Tibet ‘Melong’.


A Shamans mirror is not a mirror as we know it, all clean and perfectly shiny and reflecting. A real Shaman’s mirror can and usually is hazy, dull, and well scratched and black with great use and age.


These Toli, (Mongolian Mirrors) are used as an aid to seeing into other worlds in a manner that is similar to scrying. This includes seeing into the future and diagnostic work where the Shaman will gaze into the reflection of the sick person and will then diagnose the illness.


When used for healing work this Toli is not just used to reflect the illness but it also contains pure positive sacred healing power which has been gathered and stored inside.  This mirror is then placed upon the sick person and the pure positive power is transferred.  This mirror can be put into water for 24 hours and the healing energy that is stored inside will be transferred to the water to turn it into a spiritually encharged nectar that the sick person can drink.


These old sacred Mongolian Toli mirrors are a container for spirits. These can be the Shamans own helper spirits when used by the Shaman. They can be the spirit of the ailment or disease that has been taken away from the sick person or a special sacred container that is used by the Shaman to hold the missing parts of a sick person’s soul which has been found in the spirit world.


A Toli mirror can also be used as a window or portal through which the shaman passes to enter the spirit world on a shamanic journey.  The Toli is still used and worn nowadays by astrologers, healers, lamas and shaman. Sky energy is a beneficial energetic influence in Mongolian and Tibetan geometry and Toli and melongs help to activate it in order to improve ones health, general wellbeing and to increase ones lifespan.


Toli and Melong are also used to wash and cleanse sacred objects. To do this the object that has to be cleansed should be reflected in the sacred mirror, and then water should be poured over the reflection.

Different Toli Sides.


The Concave side:  focuses sacred light and power into a central spot, and will increase the energy. This side (concave) is worn next to (facing) the body.


The Convex side:  will reflect by distorting and will magnify the images shown in it. This is similar to a shaving mirror and must be worn with this side facing away from the body (outwards).




A Toli will help to dispel evil, bad or difficult mental states:

Hold your toli at arms length with the concave side towards you. You must now visualize your problems leaving you and passing through the Toli. Your problems will pass through the toli and will vanish.

Casting a bronze mirror.

When casting a bronze shamans mirror the first step was to make a clay mold in two parts and fuse them together. Each part of the mold held a cavity into which smelted bronze was poured. Once the bronze liquid cooled off and solidified, the outer clay was removed and the mirror was finished off. The back of the shamans mirror was sometimes decorated with patterns and inscriptions with a ring at the center through which a khata (a sacred blessed scarf) or rope could be strung. The mold for the front mirror cavity was very smooth, and generally concave. 

Materials in a bronze mirror.

Bronze is a mixture of copper, lead and tin, proportions of which varied throughout history. It was not standardized until the Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220). The proportions were then fixed at 60-70 percent copper, 23-25 percent tin and 4-6 percent lead.

Processing of a bronze mirror.

After being cast the mirror was polished with a mixture of azoth and tin powder. This process would be repeated after the mirror had become dim from long use.

Shape of bronze mirrors.

Most shamans bronze mirrors are round, but they are also square, water chestnut flower-shaped, octagonal or in the shape of bell.

Size of bronze mirrors.

Ancient shamans bronze mirrors come in many different sizes. The smallest are 3 to 8 centimeters wide, and are usually worn as pendants from the neck or waist. Medium sized mirrors are 10 to 40 centimeters wide, and were hand held, standing, or hung on a wall. The largest were of 40 centimeters or more wide. In 1980 a 115-cm-long, 57-cm-wide giant bronze mirror was unearthed in Zibo, Shandong Province.

It is very difficult if not impossible to find a real old shaman's mirror.  Traditionally when a Mongolian Shaman died his mirror or mirrors would be buried with him.  If they were not buried with him these sacred Toli mirrors are usually passed on generation to generation.  Sometimes a Shaman might hunt a mirror by trying to find out where other Shaman were buried and then dig it up. Sometimes a Shaman’s mirror that had been buried would ‘speak’ to another as it would want to work with the living Shaman instead of staying with their deceased original owner. . 


By the very late T'ang Period (A.D. 923-935), mirrors had become highly prized articles, not only because they brought good luck - like wedding mirrors - and had other symbolical and magical functions, but for their beautiful inlaid work, gold and silver decorations. At that time new forms and shapes were added. Like everything Mongolian and Tibetan, even the mirror's shape was a symbol. The round mirrors represented the heavens and were considered the most desirable. In size, the mirrors ranged from less than an inch in diameter to well over 10 inches. 

In ancient Mongolia a bronze mirror was a special sacred  token, and a funeral object whose purpose was to signify a love that carried on into the afterworld. In ancient times it was believed that the soul lived on after death, but that as a person made their way to the netherworld they were forced to drink a potion that wiped out all memory of events in their lifetime. Devoted couples hence each held halves of a mirror at their funeral, so that on entering the afterworld they could meet, match their halves and resume their life together.


The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call  you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life.

These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you.  Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.


Please note: This is a real old Chinese Shaman's mirror and not a modern Chinese copy.

Shamanism is humanity's oldest form of relationship to the spirit world. As such, it is the underpinning beneath all religion. But shamanism is not a religion. It is a complex set of practices, beliefs, values and behaviors that enable the practicioner to elicit a shift from ordinary consciousness into a trance state with a specific goal in mind, such as for healing, obtaining information, power, vision, divination, contacting the spirit of the deceased, soul retrieval or guidance for right action. Shamanic work is done with the aid of a helping ally of some sorts that the shaman has befriended. They work together as a cooperative team, with the ally being an intermediary between different levels of reality and the shaman, an engineer of altering states of consciousness.

Shamans throughout the world and throughout time, recognize that the universe is alive, conscious, and filled with spiritual power. Shamans know how to access this web of power and work with it skillfully and effectively to address their, and their community's needs. Shamanism is the use of shamanic practices within a shamanic value system. Traditionally a shaman goes through the experience of a "calling", usually through illness, accident or some unusual quality of being, then through an arduous apprenticeship of teaching, training and testing, followed by some sort of passage rite into their new status. Typically shaman do not define themselves as such. Instead they are defined by their community based on what it is that they do. Becoming a shaman and living as a shaman is a difficult and demanding life path that many indigenous people shy away from because of its formidable requirements. It is not about fun and glamor. Unskillful and uneducated acts can cause harm, or even be life-threatening, to the practicioner as well as to others. For shamanism deals with power, and power can move in many different ways, like electricity. It is important to move slowly with respect, humility and care.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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