For sale are 3 tablespoons of very active live kefir water grains - bit more than 30g.  

My grains have been grown using organic Cane sugar instead of white refined sugar, hence their lovely colour.  

These are live grains so I post them in a water sugar solution in a food grade BPA free polythene zip lock bag and heat sealed.  

They are organic and have been grown simply with mineral water, organic Cane sugar and a few organic raisins. 

 Water kefir is full of natural probiotics and is a great and tasty way to boost immunity, 
improve energy, aid digestion and is said to improve IBS symptoms. 

It is also believed to be an effective way to keep at bay candida and other yeast overgrowth infections by reintroducing and balancing the friendly bacteria and yeast in our bodies.

 It is low GI and full of B vitamins. It is naturally fermented therefore it can get fizzy depending on fermentation time. Kefir is a great after sports/yoga rehydration drink because it contains electrolytes which your body looses through perspiration.