Gi Joe Team Member


Marine Recon

FILE NAME: LaFitte, Ettiene R.

GRADE: E-9 (Sergeant Major)



SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Jungle Warfare Training Instructor

BIRTHPLACE: Fer-de-Lance, LA

This guy may look like someone out of a Hollywood war movie, but he's no actor - he's the real deal. Gung-Ho has more guts than sense. He has no problem walking through a fierce Cobra artillery barrage just to get a better look at his target. Sound crazy? Maybe, but when it comes to describing the terms bravery, courage and determination, Gung-Ho is the perfect example. His "esprit de corps" attitude and drive to be the best keeps him and his fellow Gi Joes on their toes, ready to go into battle when called. He's so keyed up all the time that the only way he unwinds is when he and Leather Neck get liberty to go out and compare notes with the Navy S.E.A.L.s. The funny thing is that their version of winding down usually results in heated outbursts with their naval counterparts. What do you expect? They're Marines through and through.