Pomelo or Pummelo, Citrus maxima, may be referred to as either or even its alternate vernacular 
name ‘Shaddock.’ So what is a pummelo or pomelo? Let’s find out about growing a pummelo tree. 
Pummelo Tree Growing Information If you have ever heard of pomelo fruit and actually seen it, 
you would guess it looks very much like a grapefruit, and rightly so, as it is an ancestor of 
that citrus. The fruit of a growing pomelo tree is the largest citrus fruit in the world, from 
4-12 inches across, with a sweet/tart interior covered by a greenish-yellow or pale yellow 
easily removable peel, much like other citrus. The skin is fairly thick and, therefore, the 
fruit keeps for long periods of time. Blemishes on the peel are not indicative of the fruit within. 
Pomelo trees are native to the Far East, specifically Malaysia, Thailand and southern China and can 
be found growing wild on the river banks in the Fiji and Friendly Islands. It is considered a fruit 
of good luck in China where most households keep some pomelo fruit during the New Year to symbolize 
bounty throughout the year. Additional pummelo tree growing information tells us that the first 
specimen was brought to the New World in the late 17th century, with cultivation beginning in Barbados 
around 1696. In 1902, the first plants came to the U.S. via Thailand, but the fruit was inferior and, 
as such, even today, is mostly grown as a curiosity or specimen plant in many landscapes. Pomelos make 
good screens or espaliers, and with their dense leaf canopy make great shade trees. The pummelo tree 
itself has a compact, low canopy somewhat rounded or umbrella in shape, with evergreen foliage. The 
leaves are ovate, glossy and medium green, while spring flowers are showy, aromatic and white. In fact, 
the flowers are so fragrant the scent is used in some perfumes. The resulting fruit is borne off the 
tree in winter, spring or summer, depending upon the climate. Pomelo Tree Care Pomelo trees can be grown 
from seed, but bring your patience as the tree will likely not fruit for at least eight years. They can 
be air layered or grafted onto existing citrus root stock as well. As with all citrus trees, pummelo 
trees enjoy full sun especially hot, rainy climates. Additional pomelo tree care requires not only full 
sun exposure, but moist soil. Growing pomelo trees are not picky regarding their soil and will thrive 
equally in clay, loam or sand with a highly acidic and highly alkaline pH. Regardless of the soil type, 
provide the pomelo with good drainage and water at least once a week. Keep the area around your pomelo 
free from debris, grass, and weeds to retard disease and fungus. Fertilize with a citrus fertilizer 
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pomelo trees grow 24 inches per season and can live from 
50-150 years and reach a height of 25 feet. They are Verticillium resistant.