A Pure Speed Jump Rope

A bar cable rope for speed and double under jumping competitions. The current US and world record holders have set their records with this exact jump rope. Features a newly designed handle and a lightning fast metal dowel that allows this handle to last and last. Used for:

Jumpers use this rope to jump 6-7 times a second. It turns with incredible ease and is very light! It's not only perfect for speed jumping, but is a must for endurance jumping and for double or triple unders. The bare cable rope is much faster than coated cable, but will wear out quickly.

Please note: The cable is thin because it does not have a protective coating. This enable the cable to cut through the air with greater efficiency. It also causes the cable to wear out sooner. Strictly an indoor jump rope.


Our cable comes in a 10 foot length. One size fits all. Will fit anybody up to 6' 6" tall. Resize for your purposes. Cut off the extra cord after adjusting the cord with the adjustable screw/collar system.