Tecnifibre X - One Biphase - 1.18mm/18 - 10m - Squash String

Tecnifibre X-One Biphase String is used by many professional players including  Thierry Lincou and Wael El Hindi, and produces an unrivalled level of power from every shot.
The unique string construction with plastic PU Trimerized coating ensures an incredibly durable and responsive string that will last longer, and generate superior power in every stroke.
The results can be summed up in Thierry Lincou’s words: More Feel - Power - Spin. Where up to 40% of the rackets performance is derived from the string bed it is critical that you have the best string in your racket!!!

Technology: PU - The most performant technology in strings in terms of power and comfort.

PU Trimerized Coating
H2C Multifilament String
12% more elasticity for power
20% added durability
More power, more feel, more spin