ANGRY YOUTH COMIX Vol. 1, #2 underground comic JOHNNY RYAN alternative COOP Fanta 2001

Dream dates Loady McGee and Sinus O'Gynus in glorious black and white! Written and drawn by Johnny Ryan (Prison Pit) with fan art by Coop, Tony Millionaire and Steven Weissman.

- roughly 6¾ x 10¼"
- 24 pages
- Published by Fantagraphics Books, 2001 (1st printing)

Condition: Minor wear, complete and intact, no tears or markings, tight binding. Please enlarge the images for a closer look.

Shipping: I happily combine shipping for multiple items. Shipping is charged based on USPS rates for the total weight of the items plus ample packaging to ensure safe delivery.

>> POOPSHEET FOUNDATION Benefit Listing! <<

The Poopsheet Foundation is a website devoted to the history of minicomics, comics fanzines, newave comix and related small press items. There are currently 10,000+ entries in the Mini-Comic and Fanzine Database and there will be even more with your help! All auction proceeds go to making the site bigger and better. Thank you for your support!

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