**Our prices have recently increased due to the worldwide supply shortage of almost all electronic components. We have some stock, but we are having a hard time getting more and our suppliers have raised their costs. We still source top quality components and test them for accuracy before shipment. We have a custom machine that tests all of the resistors. 

NEED A DIFFERENT QUANTITY? See our other listings!
20 PCS FOR $5.99:
40 PCS FOR $9.99:
60 PCS FOR $12.99:
100 PCS FOR $18.99:
200 PCS FOR $24.99:
1000 PCS FOR $99.99:

Why Buy From Us?
We actually put the time and effort in to sourcing high quality, brand name resistors for your vehicle. Plenty of other sellers on eBay buy bulk resistors from China for pennies on the dollar. A lot of those resistors have issues with the quality and consistency, and a lot of them do not accurately measure 2.2 ohms. Don't put trash components in your car. 


Simply remove the airbag and replace it with one of these resistors to bypass the airbag light. The 2.2 ohm resistor will simulate the airbag, making the car's SRS module think that a functioning airbag is installed.  This will work on the majority of airbag-equipped vehicles, and can be used to replace driver, passenger, curtain, knee, and seat airbags. This purchase includes a quantity of 60 resistors. We ship from the USA and have a handling time of one business day. 

This solution may not be legal in your state, so please check your local rules and regulations before performing. We are not responsible for any installation mistakes. 

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