INOVA K-Nect Series Terminal Tackle available to buy online from First4Fishing. Check out the rest of the INOVA range of tackle. INOVA provide the best sea fishing ‘edges’ to help you catch more fish… it’s simple with INOVA.

As dedicated and committed anglers ourselves at INOVA, our aim is to provide a range of terminal gear that is not only of excellent quality, but is designed specifically to make life easier and your fishing more productive.

Flexi Beads:
Ultraviolet fish attractor and bait stops. Apply to snoods at any time by simply pushing onto the hook and sliding up the line. Made from a specially formulated durable compound, Flexi-beads can be used multiple times.

Pop Up Beads:
Ultra buoyant and highly effective attractors that POP the bait up off the bottom away from crabs enabling superior bait presentation.

Glow Grip Stop Oval Beads:
Glow in the dark oval Floating beads which grip the line and can be positioned anywhere on your rig to give superior presentation of baits with easy adjustment.

Pulley Beads:
Add the INOVA pulley bead to pulley rigs to create an extremely effective rig for rough ground. Removes the risk of the lead snagging in rocky areas and reduces the chances of losing big fish!

Kicker Beads:
Kicker Beads are used for making rigs with light lines and are designed to kick the snood away from the main rig body, resulting in less tangles.

Snood Stops:
Stream lined UV Coloured snood stops. Easily moved up and down the line for positioning of beads, sequins and floats etc.

Rolling Swivels:
Super smooth action, rotates freely with superior strength, ideal for rig building. Prevents line twists during fishing and on retrieval of lures, rigs and baits.

Rapid Link Swivels:
Available in 2 different sizes for multiple uses of rig building, attaching leads, lures and rigs. Ideal for most types of rig building. Helps prevent twisting of line while casting.

Boom Swivels:
Long bodied swivels. Ideal for rig making, acts as mini boom. The easy to handle “BOOM” swivels keep snoods away from rig body, avoiding tangles on the cast.

Finesse Clips:
Popular with competition anglers for attaching various leads. Attach lead by sliding the black shrink tubing up along the line, which exposes the opening of the clip. Simply connect your lead to the clip and slide the tubing back down the line, locking the lead in place.

Dyno Swivel Clips:
The Dyno Swivel Clip is ideal for using on the body of rigs for clipping down multiple snoods for accurate casting. Releases hook on impact.

Rapid Links:
Fast and easy to use and can be used at the top or the bottom of your rigs. Ideal for a speedy set up, threading line through rod guides and connecting rigs.

Angel Clips:
The Angel Clip allows 2 hooks to be clipped down at the same time close to the lead and releases on impact. The new Angel Clip keeps the rig stream lined to help prevent tangles during the cast.

Rapid Snood Clips:
Rapid snood clip with long barrel, easy to handle when changing snoods/rigs. The Rapid Snood clip acts as a mini boom keeping snoods away from rig body.

Down and Out Links:
Ideal for clip down rigs keeping your hooks in line for casting and releases the hook out on impact. Strong hook and lead link.

Bait Anchors:
Bait anchor’s allow longer baits such as worms to be threaded up the hook length, anchoring them in perfect position. Can be trimmed with scissors to suit various bait sizes and situations.

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