1 oz of Food Grade  Calcium acetate E263

Calcium acetate  is the calcium salt of acetic acid (Vinegar)
Calcium acetate is a white crystalline powder soluble in cold water

Some functions of calcium acetate as a food additive and preservative include:

• growth inhibitor for certain bacteria
• texturizer, thickening and firming agent
• buffer in controlling the pH of food during processing (acidity regulator)
• processing aid
• stabilizer when salts migrate from food-packaging material (sequestrant)
•extends shelf life
•calcium supplement

For tofu making:
Use 1.5% of calcium acetate / weight of dry beans.
( example if you use 100g of dry beans for making your soymilk,
then use approx. 1.5g of calcium acetate for curdling it.)
this quantity for a soymilk @75°C.

Making a flammable gel , similar to Sterno

Mix 3g of calcium acetate in  10 ml of hot water
Stir to dissolve most of the solids ( not all of the solids will dissolve )
Add this white mixture to 75 ml of ethanol, or methylated spirits 
   The resulting mixture forms a flammable gel

Colour of flame can be changed by adding a pinch of metallic  salt
to the calcium acetate solution before adding to  ethanol or methylated spirits
 (eg sodium chloride , potassium chloride or copper sulphate …..).

Effective quantity will be 30g , in a vacuum sealed bag.