10-12" Live Plant Unique Bonsai Dragon Mini Tree Easy to Care Live Plant About 5 Years Old Dracaena Marginata ( Dragon Tree ) AKA: Madagascar .... Low Water Required.

Comes In 4" Pot, Easy Take Care.What You See It's What You Get!!

Dracaena Marginata, often called the dragon tree, is a popular indoor plant originally from East Africa that is often used to adorn homes and offices. Easy to care for because of its low light and water needs, it features green, thin leaves with red and yellow strips along the edges. Dracaenas flourish with constant, low-intensity light. Do not place them in an area where the sun strikes directly, especially in the afternoon, but keep them out of dark corners. Likewise, low-intensity fluorescent lighting is ideal for dracaenas; more intense, direct light can be damaging.

NOTE: Do Not Replant After Shipping!!!  Wait 2 Weeks for Plant to Adapt to New Environment. Do Not Put in Bright Light After Shipping!! Do Not Water To Much After Shipping!!

Water the dracaena approximately once a week.

• Because of their low water needs, it's important not to overwater dracaenas. Soak the soil about once a week; wait until the top of the soil is dry to the touch before watering again. If you are in a dry or warm area, you may need to water more regularly. Do not let dracaenas sit in water. Maintain a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (or 18 to 24 Celsius) around the plant. Regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. This helps both to remove dust and to keep the leaves fresh. If the plant is in a particularly dry area, spraying the leaves with water mist can also help.

NOTE: Do Not Replant After Shipping, Wait 2 Weeks for Plant to Adapt to New Environment.