Features and benefits for Mothercare Xtreme Pushchair Travel System - Red

  • Suitable from birth
  • Multi-position seat recline
  • Easy one hand fold mechanism
  • Lockable swivel front wheel
  • Complete with infant car seat, padded cosytoe and weathershield
  • Dimensions folded: W49 x D46 x H82
  • Weight: 12.5kg
The air filled tyres provide a smooth ride and a tyre pump is included if required. The rear wheels can be easily released making the pushchair more compact for storage or when in the boot of the car, and also means they can be cleaned with ease.

The comfortable padded multi-recline seat can be adjusted for baby's comfort and the padded bumper bar provides extra security for your little one whilst seated in the pushchair. The large hood helps to provide shade, and features a viewing window allowing you to keep an eye on baby. There is also a storage pocket in the hood so you can keep any essential items close to hand.

The Mothercare Xtreme comes complete with a baby car seat to form a travel system, and it will easily attach to the pushchair without the need for separate adaptors. The car seat includes chest pads for baby's comfort and is suitable from birth until baby reaches 13kg in weight (approx 12-15 months). The seat must always be installed in the car in a rear-facing position.

Also included with the Mothercare Xtreme pushchair is a padded cosytoe to keep baby warm and cosy in cold weather, whilst the front section can be zipped off to leave a seat liner in warmer weather. For rainy days a Mothercare Weathershield® is included to keep baby protected from the elements and will fit both travel system and pushchair mode. The large shopping basket under the seat offers plenty of storage space for baby's essentials. 

When not in use the Mothercare Xtreme features an easy fold mechanism which can be operated with just one hand.