Practicing potential exam questions is a well-known technique that can help you pass professional exams. To succeed, you need to identify your weak areas and potential risks for failure, and then focus on those areas until you develop a high level of confidence.

My self-developed software has helped hundreds of professional certification exam candidates pass their exams. It's a diagnostic program that runs on MS Windows, allowing you to practice material questions in a format that is tailored to your knowledge areas. With over 600 questions, you can test your knowledge of all areas of the exam.

The software has several features, including the ability to select knowledge areas, diagnostic strength/weakness assessment, practice and auto-test session modes, scoring, session save and logging, and a graphic progress histogram. Additionally, you don't need an internet connection to use the software, and it's shipped as a thumb drive with an installation exe. It's simple to install on both Windows and OSX with Wine.

If you don't pass your exam on the first try, you can renew your study license for free. Practicing potential exam questions is a well-known technique that can help you pass professional exams. To succeed, you need to identify your weak areas and potential risks for failure, and then focus on those areas until you develop a high level of confidence.

My self-developed software has helped hundreds of professional certification exam candidates pass their exams. It's a diagnostic program that runs on MS Windows, allowing you to practice material questions in a format that is tailored to your knowledge areas. With over 600 questions, you can test your knowledge of all areas of the exam.

The software has several features, including the ability to select knowledge areas, diagnostic strength/weakness assessment, practice and auto-test session modes, scoring, session save and logging, and a graphic progress histogram. Additionally, you don't need an internet connection to use the software, and it's shipped as a thumb drive with an installation exe. It's simple to install on both Windows and OSX with Wine.

If you don't pass your exam on the first try, you can renew your study license for free. Are you preparing for a professional certification exam? If so, you know that passing the exam is critical to your career success. But how can you ensure that you'll succeed? The answer is simple: by practicing potential exam questions.

As a proven technique, practicing potential exam questions can help you pass your professional exams with ease. But it's not just about practicing any questions - it's about identifying your weak areas and potential risks for failure, and then focusing on those areas until you develop a high level of confidence. 

That's where my self-developed software comes in. With over 600 questions, my diagnostic program allows you to practice material questions in a format that is tailored to your knowledge areas. You can select your knowledge areas, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and practice in both auto-test and practice session modes. You can track your progress with the software's scoring, session save and logging, and graphic progress histogram features. 

And the best part? You don't need an internet connection to use the software. It's shipped as a thumb drive with an installation exe, and it's easy to install on both Windows and OSX with Wine. 

Hundreds of professional certification exam candidates have used my software to pass their exams. With my software, you can renew your study license for free if you don't pass your exam on the first sitting. 

Don't leave your career success to chance. Invest in my self-developed software today and pass your professional exams with ease! Practicing potential exam questions is a proven technique to help pass professional exams.


Knowledge Area Selectable

Diagnostic Strength/Weakness Assessment

Practice and Auto Test Session Modes


Session Save and Logging

Graphic Progress Histogram

No Internet Connection Required

Shipped as a thumb drive with installation exe.  Easy installation to Windows or OSX with Wine.

Your study license is freely renewable if you do not pass your exam on the first sitting.