Travels and magnets LAKE ISEO or SEBINO - ITALY 

Here is the memory of your holiday in Lake Iseo or Sebino (Italy). This post contains a representation of the following places:

IT0122 Costa Volpino 
IT0123 Iseo - Castello Oldofredi 
IT0124 Sarnico 
IT0125 Battello 
IT0126 Lovere 
IT0127 Monte Isola
IT0128 Monte Isola
IT0129 View
IT0130 Peschiera Maraglio 
IT0131 Riva di Solto 
IT0132 Sale Marasino 
IT0133 Map
IT0134 Tavernola 
IT0135 Panorama
IT0136 Zone - Le Piramidi

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