Vintage Brochure


Michigan MASONIC Home & Hospital

Alma, Michigan

F & A M - Free Mason

Information about availability to The Craft



You are bidding on a really cool piece of Masonic History in Michigan from 1955. This is a 16-page brochure of a great old resource to Michigan Masons - MANUAL OF INFORMATION  There are point-by-point Questions & Answers for teaching members everything they should know about this old Hospital and Home.  The Alma home is a great piece of history of Freemasonry in Michigan, and it will make a fine addition to your collection.



What is the Masonic Home and Hospital?
Why was it located at Alma?
How large are the grounds?
When were the original buildings constructed?
What was the cost of the original buildings and equipment in operation on October 15, 1931?
How was money raised for original buildings?
How was the money for furnishings raised?
What additions have been made to original structures?
How many residents can be accommodated?
How many residents have been cared for at the home and hospital?
What has been the resident population at the home and hospital?
What sources of income provided operating funds?
What is the Michigan Masonic membership and number of lodges?
What is the average temperature maintained in Winter months?
What does an individual do to gain admission?
Who may apply for admission?
What are the requirements for admission?

How many years membership required in the order to be eligible, if the requirement presents itself, for acceptance as a resident in the home?


Can an individual  or a couple pay the cost of maintenance?
Is there an age limit?
Are there accommodations for married couples?
What are the visiting hours?
Can a resident have a leave of absence?
Is spending money needed for incidentals?
Is an applicant required to turn over all property upon entrance to the home?
Are these assets returned to the resident if he or she withdraws from the home?
Can a resident keep valuables, ie Rings, Watches, etc?
If a resident inherits property while in the home, what is required?
Clothing - How is it provided?
What facilities are provided?
What services and privileges are residents entitled to?
What do residents do?
Is major surgery performed in the hospital?
Can a bed patient be admitted directly to the hospital?
In case of illness may a resident with expense to the home bring in his or her own doctor?
Does the hospital treat mentally unbalanced people?
If it is found that children of a resident are able to provide to parental care, is the resident then required to withdraw from the home?

Average age of resident
Average time of resident in the Home
Longest time in home by one resident

What is the maximum grant for outside relief?
Does the Michigan Masonic Home and Hospital have an endowment fund?
How is the endowment fund increased from year to year?
Who directs the operation of the Masonic Home and Hospital?
How many employees?
What is the total cost per resident? in hospital
What is the total cost of operation?
is there a suggested form of will which can be used in the benefit?
Should you have further questions please consult your Lodge committee on Masonic Home & Hospital




PLEASE see the photos for the best indications of the conditions of this cool old historic brochure/manual. You can see exactly how this looks, and how it is all very presentable.

There is some mild staining and edge wear on the outer covers and some internal page handling.  Otherwise it is very crisp and strong.  There nothing is damaged that will take away from your enjoyment of the this great old piece of history.  It was stored in safety over most of the past 60 years.  This informational program is not brittle or bent or damaged. Just some handling.  Please see the photos and scans to get the best view of the condition.   


If you have any questions about this item, OR if you need better closeups of certain areas, PLEASE feel free to contact me.  I will do my best to get the information that you need.


.....and thanks for looking.