Printed, custom, personalised mouse mat

Printed, custom, personalised mouse mat

Mouse mat size approx 190mm x 240mm. Thickness 3-4mm
We can print any photo, text or logo on it.
  • Please do not use images taken from websites, screen grabs or  small resolution ones, they are low quality. If you not sure about your file quality please ask before you order it and I'll confirm. 
    If your image quality is too low we will contact you to request an alternative image

    • Once you order it

    • You can upload/ logo / artwork / text to print here:


Please remember if you have any problem with PayPal payment dont worry we accept all major debit and credit cards payments as well. Please choose at checkout 'Other' payment option instead of PayPal. We will send you via ebay messages & email invoice and you can pay very fast using any credit or debit card. Thank you


    • Once you order it

    • Please email us photo to print add your ebay username) or You can upload/ logo / artwork / text to print here:

Free delivery via Royal Mail 2nd class if you need it faster please choose 1st class at checkout
Dispatch time is usually 1 day but if we are more busy it may takes 1 day extra. If we not receive photo on time or photo/logo quality is poor please note we cant gurantee delivery on time.
If you need your item really fast better contact us before you order it  :)

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We guarantee the quality of our products and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchases. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please let us know as soon as possible.  If you have received your order and there is a problem please contact us straight away.
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