RRP circa £70 - get here for £40!

Only selling as I'm clearing house due to owning way, way, way too many pedals. The sub noise this kicks out is excellent and is capable of some really gnarly distortion sounds.

Please note - despite having a battery space internally this ONLY works with a power plug (unofficial non-EHX lead will be included!)


Get down The Octave Multiplexer is finally back, generating deep, phat bass tones one octave below the notes you play into it.

Dividing the Octave Multiplexer from other octave devices are the two separate smoothing filters that enable you to tailor your sub-octave signal to the exact bass sound you desire. Run your vocals through the Octave Multiplexer and sound just like Ike Turner.


Controls: High Filter, Blend, Bass Filter.

Sub On/Off switch.

1/4" input, dry output and effect output.

VIDEO: https://www.andertons.co.uk/electro-harmonix-octave-multiplexer-octavemultiplex?LGWCODE=OCTAVEMULTIPLEX;56375;6335&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzvj-6e3A2gIVwbvtCh3exgpsEAQYASABEgLqqfD_BwE