1 measured teaspoon of very potent and mature organic kefir grains with organic kefir (which will speed up the process and keep them happy on the way to you) - enough to get your own kefir production. As the culture grows, which it will do fast, the quantity of kefir produced will increase.

These are very healthy grains as they are currently producing kefir and are fed organic whole milk every 24 hours. As they are currently fermenting, they will start producing kefir as soon as they are introduced to milk. 

Instruction will be included in you pack.
Please note these are not someone's spare grains - these are grown by professionals for your health benefits and up to safety standards.

Once received, place contents of bag into a container and pour over 250ml of whole milk. Cover from dust and pests and leave at room temperature for 24-48 hours or until fermented to taste; strain contents and replace with another 250ml of whole milk to keep the culture alive and fermenting. As the culture grows, the volume of milk can be increased accordingly. 

The grains pictured are the quality of grains that will be received.

Will be sent in heat sealed bag to ensure no leakage and will be posted in a bubble wrapping.