Genesis Bifidobacterium BB Probiotic Supplement 30 capsules of 250 mg

  • Bifidobacteria are part of the intestinal flora of humans. They are present in the body at an early age and play an important role in maintaining optimal health. Taking drugs, stress and age reduce lead bifidoflorata level, so it is possible that symptoms of dysbiosis, digestive problems and the risk of other diseases occur.

  • Bifidobacteria strains included in GENESIS BB PROBIOTIC has good metabolic activity in the gut ecosystem, implanted in the intestinal walls, suppress the growth of undesirable microorganisms, detoxification of the body and boost the immune system.

  • GENESIS PROBIOTIC bifidobacteria BB is the perfect way to maintain the balance of intestinal microflora. They do not contain adjuvants, preservatives and genetically modified ingredients.

  • intestinal microflora: The body contains a huge number of bacteria fact. The number of bacteria in the gut is ten times greater than the total number of cells throughout the human body. While it sounds horrible, it really is. These bacteria are part of a complex ecosystem in the gut called intestinal microflora. The intestinal flora perform a number of useful functions in the body and is important for good health.

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are supplements like vitamins and minerals that contribute to a balanced intestinal flora to improve our health and wellbeing. Support and strengthen the immune system of our body. Promote digestion and absorption of adequate nutrients. It helps maintain normal levels of blood cholesterol. Suitable to deal with skin problems and allergies. Supports balance and weight reduction.

Each capsule contains: Active substance - 250 mg of freeze-dried probiotic microorganisms from: Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Streptococcus thermophilus. Cells in a capsule (manufacturing date) are more than two million.

INDICATIONS: It maintains and regulates the balance of microbial flora in the gastrointestinal tract after treatment with antibiotics and other drugs in the disbacteriosis and gastrointestinal infections. In disorders of the digestive system (cramps and heartburn, flatulence and constipation). positive factor boosting the immune system, detoxifies the body. 
This product is not medicine and can not replace a varied diet! 
It does not contain genetically modified organisms. 

STORAGE: Keep at temperatures between 0 and 10 ° C - 2 years; 0 and 20 ° C - 1 year. 
Keep away from children! 

The recommended daily dose: For children 3 to 12 years: 1 capsule 2 times a day (480mg). For adults and children over 12 years: 1 capsule 3 times daily (720mg). 

What is a probiotic? 

Probiotics are known as good or friendly bacteria. The term "probiotic" has evolved over the years with the current definition developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) of the United Nations: Probiotics are live bacteria . When administered in adequate amounts, they are beneficial to health. common belief is that the only good bacteria are dead bacteria, but that's not true. It is a common misconception that all bacteria are our "enemies" and must be eliminated. Although there are many bad bacteria, most bacteria are essential for our survival.