picture copyright Runway Pro Audio

picture copyright Runway Pro Audio

picture copyright Runway Pro Audio

picture copyright Runway Pro Audio


 FMR Audio RNLA7239 Really Nice Levelling Amp (Stereo Compressor)

Years ago, many RNC users pined for less invisible compression and requested that FMR Audio offer a more "colorful" compressor, suitable for bass guitar, drums and other sources in need of added sonic texture. In response, our designer went to the RNC archives and resurrected a version of RNC software that had been rejected for release because it wasn't invisible enough! The result: a compressor reminiscent of some classic opto compressors used to just "level" the signal rather than tame every transient. The RNLA's sonic color remains bolder than ever!


* Stereo compressor in 1/3 rack size.

* Accurate & repeatable 5-parameter controls.

* Imparts an obvious, euphonic "thickness" to the source.

* "Log Release" mode to restore transients lost on some percussive sources.

* Attack & Release controls are calibrated in the famous and coveted Tufnel scale.

* Single TRS-cable attachment to many "insert" jacks.

* 1/4" TRS sidechain insert for special effects.

* Rack-mountable.

* Rugged extruded aluminum and electro-galvanized steel enclosure.



Copyright Runway Pro Audio