In many clinical studies it has been shown that glucosamine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints. This substance is a compound of compounds found in articular cartilage.

During periods of high physical activity, greater arthritis, overweight and elderly, the body produces less glucosamine than it needs. And if it's missing, joints will not work as it should. Natural sources of glucosamine are crayfish, shrimp, crabs, mussels.

Glucosamine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in our body. 
The formulation is in the form of hydrochloride or glucosamine sulphate. 
Glucosamine is generally well tolerated. It is involved in the synthesis of proteoglycans (arthritic cartilage building substances), which helps to strengthen and even regenerate diseased joints. 
People suffering from rheumatic diseases may be given with analge
sics and steroids.