This is a one-of-a-kind patented full size folding clipboard made of lightweight aluminum designed for the medical community containing the most daily referenced medical information. WhiteCoat Clipboards are used by physicians, interns, residents, nurses, or any healthcare professional needing a solid writing surface and the ability to conceal documents (HIPAA compliant). Our unique patent folding design allows the clipboard to fold in half for easy storage and carrying up to 30 pieces of paper without creasing your documents.

  • Full size medical clipboard that folds in half.
  • Lightweight aluminum construction.
  • Holds 8.5" x 11" inch paper - letter or an 8" x 5" inch notepad.
  • Folds in half with ease to 1/2 inch.
  • Holds 15-30 pieces of paper without creasing.
  • Clip to secure all your documents.