4" X 4" - Merrowed Edge - Hook and Loop Backing - 6 color embroidered patch

The 17th Infantry was activated once again at Fort Bliss Texas as a part of the Ready First Stryker Brigade Combat Team on the 11th of January 2011. The Battalion is currently deployed in support of "Operation Enduring Freedom"


The 4th Battalion 17th Infantry has a proud and distinguished history. The 17th Infantry was created by Congress on the 11th of January 1812 and formed with personnel from western states and was the only Regular Army regiment in General James Winchester’s column of Army of the Northwest’s campaign to regain Detroit. During the War of 1812, the 17th fought at Frenchtown, Fort Meigs, Fort Stephenson, and Thames River. In 1815, the 17th was consolidated with the 5th, 19th, and 28th Infantry from the 3rd Infantry.

In April of 1861, the bombardment of Fort Sumter stood as the opening engagement of the American Civil War. As tension between the seceded States and the Union came to a violent. This caused President Lincoln to call for the buildup of the Union Army, an Army that would and protect the Union and its interests. The Presidents call resulted in the 17th Infantry once again being constituted in the Regular Army on the 3rd of May 1861. The Adjutant Generals office of President Lincoln issued General Order 16 bringing the regiment back into existence. It differed from the older regiments of infantry in that it had three battalions with one major, one adjutant, one quartermaster and commissary, one sergeant-major, one commissary sergeant, and one hospital steward with eight companies each.

The 17th Infantry Regiment was in the Army of the Potomac as part of “Slow Trot” Skykes Division. From the 5th Army Corps the 17th Infantry Regiment adopted the white cross patee which is seen today on the unit’s coat of arms. At Fredericksburg, the 17th suffered heavy losses in the assault on the famous stone wall. The men of the 17th lay flat on their faces eighty yards in front of the famous stone wall and drew heavy fire from rebel sharpshooters. This wall is also represented on our crest.

The 17th Infantry Regiment fought valiantly in the Indian wars, this is depicted on our coat of arms by two arrows sable, armed and flighted gules. Throughout the Indian Wars our Regiment successfully fought over rough terrain against a determined enemy. The Regiment earned streamers for the Little Big Horn (1876); Pine Ridge (1890-1891); North Dakota 1872.

The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Cuba once again led the US into war on the 21st of April 1898. The 17th Infantry Regiment again found itself in combat. The five bastioned fort on our crest represents the Regiments service with the V Corps in Cuba. For three months American Soldiers fought and the Soldiers of the 17th Infantry distinguished themselves. On the 1st of July 1898 at El Caney, Cuba: PVT George Berg, PVT Oscar Brookin, CPL Ulysses Buzzard, PVT Thomas Graves, 1LT Benjamin Hardaway, CPL Norman Ressler, 2LT Charles Roberts, CPL Warren Shepherd and PVT Bruno Wende earned this nations highest military award for valor, the Congressional Medal of Honor, all of these Soldiers were proud members of the 17th Infantry Regiment.

The Spanish American war left Spain’s military devastated and this proved a critical point for the Philippine Islands as they grasped the opportunity to gain freedom. Their alliance with the US was short lived and in 1899 combat ensued in Manila. A sea lion was taken from the Spanish Arms of Manila and is proudly depicted on our coat of arms. The 17th Infantry Regiment fought valiantly and tenaciously, continually displaying heroism and courage.

On the 8th of March 1916 Pancho Villa raided Columbus, NM. Villa’s invasion of the US spurred the 17th Infantry Regiment into action as they served in Pershing’s forces to bring Villa to justice.

In June 1942 the Japanese invaded the Aleutian Islands. In 1943 the 17th Infantry Regiment was called to action as part of the 7th Infantry Division and the Regiment was chosen to land at Red Beach, Holtz Bay, on Attu Island in the Bering Sea. The Regiment fought as part of the 7th Infantry Division “Bayonet” throughout World War II. PFC Leonard Brostrom and PFC John Thorson both earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for their gallantry during heavy fighting on Leyte, the Phillipine Islands on the 28th of October 1944 as Soldiers from the 17th Infantry Regiment. During World War II the 17th fought in the Aleutian Islands, Eastern Mandates, Leyte and Ryukyus.

The Buffaloes served during the Korean War. They partook in the UN Defensive, UN Offensive, CCF Intervention, First UN Counteroffensive, CCF Spring Offensive, UN Summer-Fall Offensive, Second Korean Winter, Korea Summer-Fall 1952, Third Korean Winter and Korea, Summer 1953. 7 of the 17th Infantry Regiments Soldiers earned the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Korean War: CPT Raymond Harvey, CPL Einar Ingman, PFC Anthony Kaho’ohanohano, CPL William Lyell, PFC Joseph Rodriguez. Also 1LT Richard Shea and PVT Charles Barker both earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for their courage and gallantry at Pork Chop Hill.

1970 saw the arrival of the 17th Infantry Regiment into Vietnam. During this period President Nixon began the Nixon Doctrine, which later became known as “Vietnamization.” This plan called for the build up of the ARVN to defend South Vietnam. The battle hardened Buffaloes served in Counteroffensive Phase VII, Consolidation I, Consolidation II, and Cease Fire.

In 1989 President George Bush called for the use of force against Panama. Declaring that an operation was necessary to safeguard the lives of U.S. citizens in Panama, defend democracy and human rights, combat drug trafficking, and secure the functioning of the Panama Canal. Operation Just Cause involved over 27,000 Soldiers including the 17th Infantry Regiment as members of the 7th IN DIV (L).

The 17th Infantry was activated once again at Fort Bliss Texas as a part of the Ready First Stryker Brigade Combat Team on the 11th of January 2011. The Battalion continues to build combat power to prepare for future operations.

1AD History
The 1st Armored Division's commitment to the civic and military values for which "Old Ironsides" has been renowned for half a century (patriotism, discipline, readiness, self-sacrifice, combined arms cooperation, shock action, decisiveness, and generosity in victory) remains relentlessly strong today. The distinctive insignia of the 1st Armored Division is drawn in bold colors characteristic of the division. The insignia is designed from the triangular coat-of-arms of the American World War II Tank Corps. The yellow, blue, and red colors of the shoulder sleeve insignia represent the combined arms nature of the armored division (Armor, Infantry, and Artillery). Superimposed on the triangle is the insignia of the former Seventh Cavalry Brigade (Mechanized), the predecessors of the Old Ironsides. The tank track represents mobility and armor protection, the gun denotes firepower, and the chain of lightening symbolizes speed and shock action. Mobility, firepower, and shock action are the basic attributes of Armor. The Arabic numeral in the apex of the triangle indicates the First Armor Division. The nickname of the division, officially sanctioned by the Department of the Army is emblazoned under the triangle and is an integral part of the insignia.

The 1st Armored Division was activated at Fort Knox on July 15, 1940. Its first commander was Major General Bruce R. Magruder from July 1940 to March 1942. In 1941 General George S. Patton Jr. had just named his 2nd Armored Division "Hell on Wheels" and everyone thought that the 1st Armored Division needed a name too. Major General Bruce Magruder announced a contest to find a suitable name for his Division. Approximately 200 names were submitted including "Fire and Brimstone" and "Kentucky Wonders." The General took them home to study over the weekend but failed to find any that appealed to him. While mulling the matter over, he happened to glance at a painting of the U.S.S. Constitution that he had bought during a drive for funds for the preservation of that famous fighting ship. From the painting of the U.S.S. Constitution USS Constitution he noted its nickname, "Old Ironsides". Impressed with the parallel between the early development of the tank and the Navy's "Old Ironsides" spirit of daring and durability he decided the 1st Armored Division should also be named "Old Ironsides." Thus a famous warship of the US Navy and the famous 1st Armored Division of the US Army are historically and appropriately welded by name "Old Ironsides." That ended the search for a name. The 1st Armored Division became "Old Ironsides" that same day and forty months of fighting later testified that its name was well chosen. This was a fighting Division.

As part of Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of French Northwest Africa, November 8, 1942. In doing so, Old Ironsides became the first American Armored Division to see combat. Although encountering unexpectedly heavy Vichy-French opposition, the Allied invasion force suppressed all resistance in the beachhead within three days. The Division then advanced toward Tunisia where it clashed with Axis forces and learned many hard lessons in armored warfare. Harsh conditions and primitive roads spoiled an early opportunity to capture Tunisia and cut off Rommel's supply lines. January 1943 found the Division under control of the II Corps. Old Ironsides received the mission of defending central Tunisia against an Axis counterattack. A month later, the 1st Armored Division collided with a superior German armored force at Kasserine Pass. Sustaining heavy personnel and equipment losses, Old Ironsides withdrew, battered but wiser. Outrunning his supply lines and facing stiffening Allied resistance, Rommel's advance ground to a halt. Regardless, three more months of fierce fighting followed before the Allies could finally claim victory in North Africa.

On 25 March 1944, Private Nicholas Minue, Company A, 6th Armored Infantry, 1st Armored Division, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry and intrepidity at the loss of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy on 28 April 1943 in the vicinity of MedjezelBab, Tunisia.

The fall of Sicily in the summer of 1943 cleared the way for an Allied Invasion of the Italian mainland. As part of General Mark Clark's Fifth Army, the 1st Armored Division crushed enemy resistance in an assault landing at Salerno on September 9, and led the drive to Naples. The city fell on October 1, and the Allies pressed onto the Volturno River. In November, the 1st Armored Division attacked the infamous Winter Line. Although breaching the line, the Allied advance came to a halt in the mountainous country near Cassino. To break the stalemate, the Allies made an amphibious assault well behind enemy lines at Anzio on January 23, 1944. Beating back repeated German counterattacks, the 1st Armored Division led the Allied breakout from the beachead on May 23, and spearheaded the drive to Rome, liberating the city on June 4. The 1st Armored Division continued its pursuit of the enemy to the North Apennies where the Germans made their last stand. Rugged mountains and winter weather now stood between the Allies and the open land of the Po Valley. The 1st Armored Division broke into the valley in April 1945 and on May 2, 1945, German forces in Italy surrendered.

In June 1945 the 1st Armored Division was transferred to Germany to serve as part of the Allied occupation forces. Old Ironsides returned to the United States in April 1946 and was inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. Several of the Division's Units, however, remained in Germany as part of the U.S. Constabulary. The success of the Russian made T-34 Tank at the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 brought renewed enthusiasm for armor. As part of the Korean War build up of American forces, the 1st Armored Division was reactivated at Fort Hood, Texas on March 7, 1951. Continuing its tradition of "firsts", Old Ironsides became one of the first divisions in the Army to integrate black soldiers throughout the ranks. It was also the only combat-ready armored division in the continental United States and the first to receive the M48 Patton Tank. Training for nuclear war became a major theme in the mid-1950s. Accordingly, the 1st Armored Division participated in tests of the "Atomic Field Army" at Fort Hood and in Operation Sagebrush, the largest joint maneuver conducted since World War II. Upon completion of the exercise in February 1956, the 1st Armored Division moved to its new home at Fort Polk, Louisiana.

Toward the end of the 1950s, the Army's preoccupation with a nuclear battlefield waned. The Army experienced years of austere budgets. Reduced in size and moved back to Fort Hood, the 1st Armored Division reverted to a training cadre for new inductees. The start of the 1960s, however, inaugurated a period of military renewal. Important changes in organization, doctrine, and equipment stemmed from the realization that the Army must be prepared to fight anytime, anywhere. In 1962, the 1st Armored Division was brought back to full strength and reorganized. Brigades replaced Combat Commands, and the Division's aviation assets doubled. Intense training followed the reorganization. In October 1962 the 1st Armored Division was declared combat ready, just in time for the Cuban Missile Crisis. In response to the Soviet stationing of missiles in Cuba, Old Ironsides deployed from Fort Hood, Texas to Fort Stewart. The entire operation took just 18 days. For the next six weeks, the 1st Armored Division conducted live-fire training and amphibious exercises on the Georgia and Florida coasts. One highlight was a visit from President John F. Kennedy on November 26, 1962. Shortly thereafter, tensions eased and the 1st Armored Division returned to Ft. Hood.

Although the 1st Armored Division did not participate as a Division in the Vietnam War, two units, Company A, 501st Aviation and 1st Squadron, 1st Calvary served with distinction. Both earned Presidential Unit Citations, and 1-1 Cavalry received two Valorous Unit Awards and three Vietnamese Crosses of Gallantry. Neither unit was officially detached from the 1st Armored Division and veterans of both units may wear the Old Ironsides as a combat patch. In addition, in 1967 the 198th Infantry Brigade was formed from three of the Division's Infantry Battalions and deployed from Fort Hood to Vietnam. After the war, two of the three battalions, 1-6 Infantry and 1-52 Infantry, returned to the 1st Armored Division. 1968 was a crisis-filled year of domestic unrest. After the assassination of Martin Luther King, several inner cities exploded into violence. The 3rd Brigade deployed to Chicago to assist in restoring order. The early 1970's brought the withdrawal of American Forces from Vietnam and a major restructuring of the Army. Old Ironsides was rumored to be on the list of units to be inactivated. Veterans of the Division organized a letter-writing campaign to "save" the 1st Armored Division. Their efforts were rewarded when on May 10, 1971, 1st Armored Division left its home at Fort Hood, Texas to replace the 4th Armored Division in Germany.

On 9 November 1967, Captain (then First Lieutenant) James Allen Taylor, Troop B, 1st Cavalry, Americal Division, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor in contributing to the success of the assault on an enemy position and saving the lives of a number of his fellow soldiers.

Old Ironsides marched into its second half century celebrating victory in the Cold War - a triumph symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, and the crumbling of East European, communist regimes. Almost immediately the 1st Armored Division was called upon to meet a new challenge. In November 1990 it was alerted for deployment to the Middle East in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In less than two months the Division moved 17,400 soldiers and 7,050 pieces of equipment by rail, sea, and air to Saudi Arabia for Operation Desert Shield/Storm. The Division's own 1st Brigade stayed in Germany and was replaced by 3d Brigade, 3d Infantry Division. On February 24, 1991, the 1st Armored Division crossed into Iraq leading VII Corp's main flanking attack - its mission to destroy the elite, Iraqi Republican Guards Divisions. In its 89-hour blitz across the desert Old Ironsides traveled 250 kilometers; destroyed 768 tanks, APCs and artillery pieces; and captured 1,064 prisoners of war. Four 1st Armored Division soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice in this historic effort. Old Ironsides marked its successful return to Germany on May 8, 1991, when MG Griffith uncased the Division Colors in Ansbach. The 1st Armored Division celebrated its triumph with a visit from the Vice President of the United States and attendance at victory parades in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

On December 14, 1995, the 1st Armored Division was ordered to Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of Operation Joint Endeavor. This task force, known as Task Force Eagle, assumed control of its area of responsibility during a transfer of authority ceremony with United Nations forces at Eagle Base, Tulza on December 20, 1995. After the historic bridging of the Sava River on December 31, 1995, the Old Ironsides Division, with supporting forces from the 5th U.S. Corps, was joined by Nordic-Polish, Turkish, and Russian brigades - in total - 12 Nations: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, and the United States. Task Force Eagle, one of the most powerful formations ever fielded, enforced the cease-fire, supervised the marking of boundaries and the zone of separation between the former warring factions, enforced withdrawal of the combatants, and the movement of the heavy weapons to designated storage sites. Task Force Eagle also supported the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's efforts to administer the country's first ever democratic national elections. On November 10, 1996, the 1st Armored Division transferred authority for command and control of Task Force Eagle to the 1st Infantry Division. The 1st Infantry Division deployed as a covering force to allow the safe return of the 1st Armored Division to Germany.

In April 1999, the 1st Armored Division was alerted to send soldier to Albania as part of Operation Allied Force in response to the ethnic cleansing and fighting in Kosovo. The 1st Armored Division then sent the first soldiers into Kosovo in operation Joint Guardian to uphold the United Nations Security Council resolution to bring peace back to the Kosovo region. On June 20, 2000, the 1st Armored Division took over the mission as the U.S. contingent in Kosovo assuming control of the Multinational Brigade - East, and continues to bring a lasting peace and stability to the region and help build the infrastructure for all in Kosovo.

The Division again answered the Nation's call to duty March 4, 2003 when it received orders to deploy to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in support of the global war on terrorism . "Old Ironsides" began moving out April 15 in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The division and task force marked some major "firsts" during the 15-month long mission. For Soldiers of the 1st Armored Division, this was longest deployment of any division in Iraq. Task Force 1st Armored Division was the largest division-based task force in U.S. Army history. Units serving with the Task Force included brigade-sized elements of the 82nd Airborne and 3rd Infantry and 1st Cavalry Divisions, the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, the 124th Infantry Battalion, the 18th and 89th Military Police Brigades and 168th MP Battalion. Engineer units serving with the task force included the 153rd, 203rd, 389th, 439th, 535th, 842nd and 1457th Engineer Battalions, the 493rd Engineer Group, and the 249th and 671st Engineer Companies. Also serving the task force were the 55th Personnel Service Battalion, the 8th Finance Battalion, the 350th and 354th Civil Affairs Battalions, the 315th and 345th PSYOP Battalions and the 16th Corps Support Group. At its height, more than 39,000 Soldiers were part of the task force. The task force secured some of Baghdad's roughest neighborhoods and brought stability to the city and its surrounding countryside. The Task Force's accomplishments included planning and executing Operations Iron Hammer, Iron Justice, Iron Grip, Longstreet, Iron Bullet, Iron Promise and Iron Sabre. During these task force operations, Soldiers captured more than 700 criminals and former regime insurgents. They also confiscated thousands of rockets, mortars, tank rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms. In addition to combat, task force Soldiers protected and improved the quality of life for over 5 million Iraqi residents in the city of Baghdad. The task force trained Iraqi police and national guardsmen, renovated schools, established neighborhood councils and spent over $60 million on these and other projects.