6 Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Pre& Post Mineral Replacement filters +75GPD (optional)

Filter 1:

Polypropylene foam filter cartridge removes sand, rust, silt and other sediments up to 5 Micron 

Filter 2:

Activated carbon block 

The carbon is formed in specially pressured, high density blocks to gain high adsorption rate of chlorine, other chemicals and multi-particle organic substances.

Filter 3:

Filter cartridge with activated coconut shell carbon and non-woven polypropylene material, removes chlorine and organic compounds

Filter 4:

Mineralizing Dolomit media in-line cartridge 

This special cartridge provides the daily requirement for minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium 

Filter 5:

Taste & odour - active carbon in-line polishing post filter for superior taste.

Filter 6:

Reverse Osmosis membrane filter 75GPD

Thank you.