Rod Hutchinson High Alcohol High Leakage Flavours Range

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Alcohol based flavours for instant effect especially in cold water conditions. They are based on a specially developed blend of different alcohol types.

60ml bottles available in:
No need to describe the legend of this carp fishing flavour! Everybody tries to copy it unsuccessfully, and they keep trying, but we are the only ones to know its secrets! It's worked on the basis of the Winter Flavour, to reach an even greater attraction level. We recommend using it with an even amount of the traditional Mulberry Florentine flavour, in order to have a more rapid and effective fishing action. We limit ourselves to mentioning that for this great success we have decided to supply the Winter version, based on the new alcohol technology that Rod has developed with us. We do not add anything else! It can be used alone or in combination with other aromas as well, as with its twin on traditional base. The Secret Agent could not help but infiltrate the most innovative range of carp fishing baits in recent times. It will always be at your side to help you untangle the most difficult situations with incredible craftsmanship. In this case, it's disguised as a Winter flavour. Beware, do not tell anyone! The aroma of hot apple pie is the synthesis of this aroma. It's spicy, sugary and pungent, it knows very little of the fresh apple we all know. Rather remember a warm apple pie juice. It will be good to try it at the beginning or at the end of the season. With a Liver mix, then, it will become exciting. It's great on its own, but it can be matched by the Megaspice or the Secret Agent, to create an exceptional winter bait, or to the Summer Agent, for a fresher and more sparkling bait. It's the Winter aroma par excellence. It is spicy but sweet, pungent but kind. It really is an incredible blend of scents and sensations, it's really hard to imagine it if you haven't tried at least once. It can be used alone or in winter, combined with Megaspice, as well as a fruity aroma like Mulberry Florentine. Cool Spice is an aroma that will talk about as a future classic. The frozen juice is really an incredible aroma, it is thought of something terribly pungent and instead is adorably round and full-bodied, it is distinctly fruity but with a creamy note that softens it. It will really be a delicious nectar for our beloved prey that will not resist. Rod recommends it in combination with a mix of fish like the MC Mix and with an aroma to fish like the Squid Octopus that will counteract the roundness with the sharp note of the octopus. You know when on the coldest of winter days, you would like to go home and feel that unmistakable scent of warmth, hot chocolate, cream, biscuits, caramelized fruit? Here, this aroma is its synthesis. It's not classifiable between fruity or between creamy: it is a summary of everything! After Monster Crab, it is the second true seafood flavour of the Winter range! It is pungent and captivating in the first part, but softens in the second part of its aromatic note. How not to be able to try it in the difficult winter waters! This aroma also arouses the appetite of the sleepiest of the carp, unbelievable!