Monique Lofters (Jamaika)

Observational Study 1, 2011

Acryl auf Leinwand, gerahmt  acryl on canvas

60 x 60 cm                 

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Monique Lofters wurde 1987 in Jamaika geboren. 2009 erhielt sie den Bachelor’s

Abschluss des Edna Manley College der Visuellen und Darstellenden Künste in Malerei

in der Hauptstadt Jamaika's, Kingston. Ihre Werke sind in zahlreichen

Gruppenausstellungen in Jamaika, der Karibik sowie in übersee in Grossbritannien und

Deutschland vertreten.

Sie verwendet unterschiedliche Materialien, ausdrucksstarke Formen und thematisiert

oft Fragmente des menschlichen weiblichen Körpers, insbesondere Verformungen von

Fettzellen, die sich konstant verändern. Sie versteht den menschlichen Körper als

wesentlichen Bestandteil der jamaikanischen Kultur.

Monique Lofters was born in Jamaica in 1987. She obtained her Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree major in Painting (2005 - 2009) from the Edna Manley College of the Visual & Performing Arts in Kingston, Jamaica. She exhibits her artwork locally, regionally and internationally ranging from her home country to Cayman Island, the United Kingdom and Germany. Most of Lofters' unique paintings comment on obesity,
and are representative of the autonomic structures formed within an over-weight individual. The artist participated in a major restoration project in Jamaica “ Restoration and Conservation, through the Holy Trinity Cathedral“ in conjunction with the Heart Trust Institute, Kingston, Jamaica. The artist envisions herself being an art restorer and conservationist, designer and a painter.

Artist statement:

Body identifies within the Jamaican culture. My work relates to issues of representation of the female body. As the work developed I shifted to representations of microscopic images of cells that formulate the interior design of fatty tissue.

My body of work explores the fat cells that create an ever changing environment that develops within the human body. These cells reconfigure and often times distorts the human figure in ways that have aesthetics and social implications