Titles In This Set :- 

1) Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Deep End

Format: Paperback 
Publisher: Puffin
Language: English
0241396956 - ISBN-10
978-0241396957 - ISBN-13
9780241396957 - ISBN-13

2) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot

Format: Paperback 
Publisher: Puffin
Language: English
0241396654 - ISBN-10
978-0241396650 - ISBN-13
9780241396650 - ISBN-13

3) Diary of Greg Heffley's Best Friend: World Book Day 2019 

Format: Paperback 
Publisher: Puffin 
Language: English
0241388821 - ISBN-10
978-0241388822 - ISBN-13
9780241388822 - ISBN-13

Description :- 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot [Hardcover]:

After a disastrous competition at school, Greg decides that he's officially retired from ANY kind of sport! That is, until his mom persuades him to give it one more go and makes Greg reluctantly agree to sign up for basketball.Tryouts are a MESS, and Greg is sure he won't make the cut. But he unexpectedly lands a spot on the worst team.As Greg and his new teammates start the season, their chances of winning even a single game look slim. But in sports, anything can happen. When everything is on the line and the ball is in Greg's hands, will he rise to the occasion? Or will he blow his big shot?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End:

But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at a campsite that's not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonder if they can save their vacation - or if they're already in too deep.

Diary of Greg Heffley's Best Friend: World Book Day:

Greg Heffley's best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has been stood on the side-lines for too long. This World Book Day he is taking centre stage, and writing a journal that's all about him. (Oh, except he will also be acting as Greg's biographer, as one day Greg will be rich and famous.) The only thing is, Rowley isn't really up to the job as biographer, and it turns into a hilarious rambling mess!