In this, his seminal book on non-verbal communication, Michael suggests that the difference between the science and the art of non-verbal communication is the following: the science is the acquisition of knowledge (i.e., the what of the communication) and a range of non-verbal strategies and interventions to deliver (i.e., the how of the communication) the knowledge. The art is the perception and timing of when to deliver the what and how of the communication.

Pivotal to Michael's discovery is the emphasis on breathing. He is able to behaviorally answer the perennial conundrum of "How does the practitioner know if one has permission to interact with another person?" If the other person's breathing is high/shallow, the person is in stress and the practitioner doesn't have permission. Conversely, if the other person is breathing low/abdominally, the person is relaxed and the practitioner has permission. This work behaviorally substantiates what most of us know intuitively. The second half of the book details some common applications of the nonverbal communication patterns.

The favorite is the adaptation of Fisher and Ury's Getting to Yes win-win template to a practical micro level. Just as there are 26 letters that are the foundation of all words so too there are 21 patterns from which all nonverbal communication is comprised