Austin A99 Westminster Driver's Handbooks: Running and Maintenance Instructions

Covering the 2.9 L C-Series I6 A99 Westminster..should work for all 1959-1961 models.

Not dated.

publication no. AKD 1171

Published by the Austin Motor Co LTD Longbridge, Birmingham

This is the owner's manual that came with your new Austin Westminster. Find out essentials of operation and maintenance.


Foreword, General Data

Controls, Overdrive

Automatic Transmission

Heating and Ventilating

Body Details

Running Instructions

Cooling System

Ignition Equipment

Electrical Equipment

Wheel Removal

Care of Tyres

Body Attention

Maintenance Attention

Lubrication Chart

Maintenance Summary

Wiring Diagram

Notes, Important, Index

Key to Recommended Lubricants

You will also find lubrication instructions, charts, specifications,

engine specifications,tune-up, adjustment references, and helpful

troubleshooting and repair tips

Includes wiring diagrams.

Original OEM, not a reprint, photocopy or xerox

Hardcover: 68 pages

100% complete with no loose or missing pages

Out of print