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LEK LAI KAEW (Crystal Lek Lai)

Kaew Lek Lai can also be called:

Ko Ti Pi Leklai,

Go Ti Pi Lek Lai,

Kod Ti Pi Lek Lai

and The King of Lek Lai.




(The Lek Lai Museum)


2.2 inches long x 1.3 inches diameter.

Weight: 63.6 gms.

This large piece of natural pure green King Phaya Lek Lai Kaew (Crystal Lek Lai) was donated for at Wat Phra Thamyannamunee, Nakhom Pathom Province , Thailand. (The Lek Lai Museum). It was created by L P Yai who is also known as L P SomPorn he is also known as 'The Great master of Lek Lai. The famous Lek Lai museum (pictures below) is situated at the Temple. L P Yai has a huge magical knowledge of Lek Lai and he personally blesses and empowers the Lek Lai and the amulets. These Lek Lai from the master are the most powerful and finest Lek Lai that are available!!!!!!!!!!!

All of our SACRED BLESSED & EMPOWERED items are guaranteed to be authentic and as described.


This is pure natural green King Phaya Lek Lai Kaew (crystal) direct from Thailand.

Lek Lai Kaew (crystal) is created from magic iron ore called “Crystal Metal.” It is believed that the magic “Crystal Metal” is created by angels.

Angles give the magic “Crystal Metal” to the earth at request of humans and the angels can only give two “Crystal Metals” each time because they are considered precious and rare things.

It is believed that the "Crystal metal" has supernatural powers.

The words Lek Lai can be translated to ‘Fluid or flowing Metal’ or ‘Steel Eel’. Lek Lai is also called ‘The Heaven metal’ and the ‘Black Jewel of Thailand’. It is believed that Lek Lai is indestructible and totally immortal. Old beliefs from Thailand say that Lek Lai is found in deep forests or mysterious caves and many people believe this. Many people believe that Lek Lai is not an ordinary mineral but a type of fluid or liquid animal that can swim across mountains! Lek Lai is one of the most famous sacred substances in Thailand and it is believed that a spirit lives in Lek Lai and the spirit will release its magical powers in many different ways. Lek Lai will make its wearer invincible, it will protect its wearer from any danger and it will destroy any evil spirits, enemies and dangerous animals

Even today there are very few people who can describe the properties of Lek Lai correctly, Lek Lai is a true special gift from nature, it cannot be altered or changed, it cannot be improved in an artificial way and it is very powerful. Many healers believe that Lek Lai increases their healing powers and when using a Lek Lai amulet it speeds up all healing. A Lek Lai amulet should be worn around the neck and it should be treated with respect and honoured. If it is not cared for or respected it will simply vanish. Even nowadays there are Lek Lai masters who will insert small pieces of Lek Lai under the skin of a disciple for their protection!

Lek Lai has been mixed with other sacred ingredients and made into amulets for many centuries as well as being worn in its natural state.

Searching for Lek Lai: According to ancient texts to find Lek Lai you have to search in very quiet and desolate places for very clean caves that do not have the droppings of any animals. The temperature in the cave should be very cool and refreshing. If you believe that an area in the cave contains Lek Lai then you should shoot a gun at that area, if the area you are shooting at does contain Lek Lai then no bullets will fire from your gun! When you have found the area that contains Lek Lai before cutting the Lek Lai out of the cave you have to pray to the spirit of the cave and the spirit of the mountain or jungle or the god that protests that area. Once you have found the Lek Lai a Sai Sin cotton string should be tied around the Lek Lai before it is cut out of the cave. By doing this you will be protected.




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This picture of L P YAI is included with each amulet.

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GOOD FORTUNE:  comes about when the energies of your body and mind click together. This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskilfully- in other words, selfishly- you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy surprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.


Many of us are trying to find peace, a small place where we can enjoy our lives.  We look around and watch the world go by.  All we wish to do is to find a small amount of peace and tranquility in the world today. There are huge amounts of negative and bad energy flowing. Many dark energies are around and trying to possess us. They try to find a host, when we are at a low point in our lives, when we are weak and vulnerable.


Your inner world is a place of dreams, secrets, hopes, aspirations, fantasies and plans- of longing, anger, love, hope, ambition and the yearning for happiness. This inner place can be both a sanctuary and a place of turmoil. It is where vitality withers or flourishes because here we create our deepest identity through our desires. Your vitality takes on the qualities of the dominant emotional forces that are active deep within you. These are the true forces that are active deep within you. These are the true forces that feed our everyday persona. 

The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call  you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life. 


  These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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