Bead diameter 13 mm

This bracelet is stretchable on elastic cord.

A picture of Geshe Lama Ahbay Tulku Rinpoche is included.. (pictures below)

Nang Kwak Temple Pha Yant  Wishing Cloth from the Wat Suwannaram Temple Bangkok..

This bracelet was bought in Mae Sot, Thailand on the Thailand Myanmar Border.

PLEASE NOTE: This is fine quality beautiful green jade.

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MAE SOT. (Pictures below)

This natural jade bracelet was bought in Mae Sot Thailand. Mae Sot is among the most culturally diverse cities in Thailand. Walking down the streets of the town, you'll see a fascinating ethnic mixture of Burmese men in their longyi (sarongs), Hmong and Karen women in traditional hill-tribe dress and bearded Muslims, Thai army rangers and foreign NGO workers. Burmese and Karen are spoken as much as Thai. Shop signs along the streets are in Thai, Burmese and Chinese, and most of the temple architecture is Burmese. Mae Sot has also become the most important jade and gem centre along the border, with much of the trade controlled by Chinese and Muslim immigrants from Myanmar.


The Chinese believed that jade was capable of many great things. An ancient text said that powdered jade, if taken internally, could cure anything from insomnia to flatulence. The Chinese believed that Jade could also convey awesome powers of invisibility and levitation, and carry more practical feats, such as preventing a person from being thrown off his horse. They also believed that jade, if worn, could heal physical ailments and ward off evil, misfortunes, and mischievous supernatural entities. Jade, used properly by a shaman, can also bring about any manner or number of grotesque beings.

Several myths relate jade with life and immortality. Some say that jade prolongs life. Others say that it can bring immortality if consumed in the right quantity. The Taoists believed they knew the ingredient to eternal life, jade, but did not know exactly how to use it, the proportions and quantity to be consumed, kinds of other substances to be mixed, and the auspicious conditions under which it was to be worn or taken. And if a person, right before death, swallowed five pounds of solution of jade, his or her corpse would not decay for three years.

Jade is thought to be able to help a person just by being in contact with it. The feel of cool jade is said to elevate and purify thoughts, to quiet the mind, and to induce a state of contemplation. It is also believed that frequent handling of jade will cause the stone to grow even more beautiful in sheen. According to one Chinese proverb, “Jade is cool because it comes from the essence of clear mountain streams.” Science says that jade is cool to the touch because it is a non-conductor.

Many Chinese believe that a jade stone eventually becomes a part of the life of its owner. Jade is said to change colours depending on the aura of its possessor. When he or she is down or depressed the jade might be a darker shade. If fortune is good, the stone might be of a lighter tint. It is also believed that when a jade piece cracks or breaks, it has shielded its holder from an evil and harmful event.



To help you to understand jade you have to understand the philosophy here.  I quote from Shih-Ching AD 800: " When I think of wise people, they seem like jade. Wise ones have seen in jade all different virtues. It is soft, smooth and shining like kindness. It is hard, fine and strong like intelligence. Its edges seem sharp but do not cut, like justice. It hangs down to the ground like humility. When struck it gives a clear, ringing sound, like music. The stains in it, which are not hidden and which add to its beauty, are like thoughtfulness. Its brightness is like heaven while its firm substance, born of the mountains and the waters, is like the earth. That is why wise people love jade."

Jade is the Chinese stone that has always been carved into sacred images. The Chinese believed that Jade would prolong life. The Chinese used bowls made of Jade to eat their food because they believed that the energy in Jade would permeate into the food before it was eaten.

Jade strengthens the mental facilities and helps reasoning and when worn carried or placed against the third eye you will receive great wisdom.  Jade is also a Great Protector and will help to guard you against accidents and mishaps.

Jade symbolizes vital energy and cosmic forces. Jade is an image of perfection and a symbol of the union of the five heavenly virtues (Clarity, Purity, Immutability, Euphony and Kindness) as well as the union of moral qualities and beauty.

Jade takes on your energy and can actually change colour. Jade is a protective stone which will help to keep you away from harm and will bring you harmony. It will attract good luck and friendship. Wearing jade can bring money into your life, when you are contemplating a business deal hold this piece of jade in your hand for a few minutes. Be infused with its prosperous energy, then decide which course to take. Jade will help to stabilize your personality and will integrate your mind with your body. Spiritually Jade encourages you to become who you really are, it will assist you in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awaits hidden knowledge.


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This blessed and empowered temple cloth talisman is called a Pha Yant.

It can also be called a 'Cloth Yant' a 'Paa Yant', a 'Payant'  or a 'Yant cloth talisman'

This sacred blessed and empowered 'Pha Yant' sacred talisman can be framed and hung on a wall, hung on a wall as it is, carried with you in your pocket or placed in your car to grant you a safe journey. It can be given to a friend or loved one as a special sacred gift. This 'Pha Yant' is for your protection from evil and bad spirits, and will protect you against bad luck.  A 'Pha Yant' will protect you from danger. This 'Pha Yant' will grant you a long and healthy life and also grant your wishes. A sacred 'Pha Yant' can be given to grant blessings to a wedded couple to enable them to have many healthy children and to have a long and a happy marriage.  

**** If you write your wishes on the back of a blessed 'Pha Yant' they will be granted .

Nang Kwak Temple Pha Yant  Wishing Cloth from the Wat Suwannaram Temple Bangkok..

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Nang Kwak Pha Yant.

Nang Kwak is a benevolent spirit. She is deemed to bring great luck and prosperity especially in the form of money, to the household. She is the patron deity of all merchants, salesmen and business men and women. Pictures, statues and Pha Yants can be seen in almost every business establishment in Thailand. 

The legend of Nang Kwak is one of the best known legends in Thailand and dates back to before the birth of Buddhism in Thailand. The legend of Nang Kwak originates from India where she was known as Supawadee, the daughter of a small merchant. Legend tells that occasionally Supawadee accompanied her father on his business trips. On one of these trips, after listening to a sermon, Supawadee became a devout follower of Buddhism. Because of her great devotion, a revered Monk by the name of Phra Gasabatera, bestowed blessings of good fortune on her. Phra Gasabatera also told her that if she followed all the teachings of the Dhamma (the teachings of the Lord Buddha), she would receive a special blessing.

Endowed with these blessings, whenever Supawadee accompanied her father on his trips, he was able to sell all his goods in a very short time. The family became very wealthy because of Supawadee and as her father was kind and generous, they were much loved by all the people they met on their travels. After her parents died, Supawadee continued the business earning the love and devotion of people all around. Eventually Supawadee died but not before many people had discovered that if they prayed to her their business transactions were more successful than before. Images were made of Supawadee after her death and offerings made to the young girl who was now believed to be a saint.

Nang Kwak is dressed in traditional Thai dress. In her left hand is a money bag and her right hand is beckoning Thai - style palm down. Nang Kwak is either beckoning customers to come into the store or asking for wealth to come her way.

It is also believed that Nang Kwak evolved from the Hindu Goddess Parvathi, the daughter of the mountains, who it was said the first to grow rice.

Some people believe Nang Kwak first appeared in Thailand as a rice prosperity goddess with a sheaf of rice over her shoulder the pre-Buddhist Mae Posop.

The name Nang Kwak can be roughly translated as ‘beckoning lady’ or ‘waving lady’. The Thais will often add the word ‘Mae’ which means ‘mother’ before her name as a sign of respect. There are regular stories in the Thai media of how paying devotion to this image has led to increased business prosperity.

Mae Sot, Thailand

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Myanmar side of border.

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Thailand side of border.

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This is where this Jade bracelet came from. Mae Sot, Thailand.

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The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that  nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life. 


These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you.  Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit. 

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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