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I am a fanatic when it comes to beauty stuff. I believe in natural way of getting dirt out of my skin. I know there are 100's of exfoliates and scrubs been sold in USA but this one is so amazing.

Why am I selling it? Because I believe this will make a difference in your beauty regimen. There are more than 4 natural ingredients in making sefidab which I believe are very good for your body and takes dirt from skin and makes it baby soft. I have been using it for a long time. Every time my mom asks what I need and if I am out of sefidab, I tell her to send me some sefidab. The kesseh you are buying will last probably forever.

I will give you 3 ( Three ) Sefidab and if you ever run out, just let me know and I will send you more for a very affordable price.

Again seeing or using is believing. That’s what I believe in, so I invite you to experience something unique.

This stuff is so powerful that they scrub brides body and face in her wedding night to make her look shiny and soft.

Sefid-ab: A traditional method for microdermabrasion.

What are the changes Skin structures are affected by ageing?

The changes include thinning of the epidermis meaning decrease in elasticity of the skin. Many factors such as ultraviolet light or various chemicals enhances the thickness of the skin. Skin thickness can be avoided by cleaning skin in daily basis using Sefidab and circular motions.

Various other methods have been used to decrease these changes. One method is abrasion. One of the earliest reports of skin abrasion reported in 1500 BC when Egyptians $ Middle Easters applied sandpaper to smoothen scars on the skin. Later in 19th century, the technique was changed to remove the deeper layers of skin. Dermabrasion was developed and it was a popular method in Italy and European countries.
Dermabrasion is an harsh method which causes pain.

The use of this dermabrasion is limited to certain areas and conditions. In recent years, microdermabrasion is mostly used technique for cosmetic facial rejuvenation

Microdermabrasion is also used in the treatment of various skin problems such as stretch marks, acne, acne scarring and also clogged pores.

Although dermabrasion is a minimally invasive technique and most beauticians and doctors believe that this technique has minimal clinical effects but Harsh materials such as sodium chloride aluminum oxide and crystals are used by which damages the skin in long run and using repetitively.

This technique can produce trauma and cause an acidic pH and burn on skin surface. Not to mention that these techniques includes burning sensation, hyperpigmentation and sensitive skin and many more side effects.

Another way of mild microbermabrasion is to use an ancient ingredient called Sefidab and Kesseh.

Sefidab Ingredients: Sefid-ab ’ (Sefid means white).

It is made from fat (250 g), spinal cord of sheep (375 g) and the fine powder of a kind of stone ‘ Mel ’ (1000 g) which mainly contains zinc or tin minerals, Calcium Carbonate, paraffin, Vaseline oil, Olive oil, Rose water.

Zinc makes the skin to look pale and healthy.

To make Sefid-ab, the Mel powder is mixed with enough water to make a smooth paste. The fat and spinal cord are heated till they melt.

The molten mixture and plant extracts are then added to the paste and mixed well. The mixture is put in small casts and left to dry as Sefid-ab tablets.

Another instrument used concomitantly with Sefid-a is called Kisse, which was formerly made of woolen cloth but is now usually made of some coarse fabric and is worn like a glove (hence its name which means bag).

Sefid-ab may be used weekly after staying for a while in a hot bath. Sefid-ab can easily be rubbed on over Kisse , or directly on the skin. It is usually applied to the skin of the face, neck, chest and hands, with or without Kisse.

The fine stone particles in Sefid-ab , like sandpaper, help to remove the outermost layer of epidermis. It causes mild skin trauma which leads to mild redness of the skin which ultimately improves the overall skin quality.

Applying Sefid-ab with Kisse results in more effective skin peeling. After this procedure, the skin should be washed with soap.

Use of Sefid-ab (and Kisse) is a minimally invasive technique. The procedure can be repeatedly done with ease by everyone, causes no bleeding, no scar formation and is inexpensive compared to microdermabrasion procedures.

On the other hand, microdermabrasion

needs to be done by a specialist to be effective and safe. It may also be associated with complications such as bleeding, hypopigmentation, infection and scar formation, is normally expensive and takes 7–10 days for the skin to heal.



Wet Sefidab and parts of the skin. Start scrubbing the skin in a back and forth motion with Kisseh.

Apply water in order to rinse, rinse several times, and wipe away any reaming debris and dead skin with running water. Skin should feel rejuvenated, radiant, and silky.

Wet face and Sefidab:

Beginning with the forehead, start scrubbing in a circular motion towards one side of the face, onto the chin area, and the up towards opposite side of face. Apply water to rinse, rinse several times, and wipe away any remaining debris with running water.

you will receive a keeseh and 3 sefidab.

If you decide to use Kisshe, just do all your routins like washing your hair. Do not clean your body with soap.

The more HYDRATED the body is at the end of shower, the better the Kisshe will work.

Body oil accumulates in one month in my opinion.

I use it once a month, somethimes once every 2-3 months.

Always use Sefidab before washing your skin with soap.

I have been using keeseh and safidab since ever I was 5 years old when my mom usedto give me a bath. This is the most ancient and efficient way to scrub your body and exfoliate and seeing all the dirt and dead skin comes off your body. Every Persian woman and I swear by it. I have a very soft skin and I owe it to this magical traditional technique. Try it but be very gentle when you use keeseh to avoid redness. Keeseh is a very strong exfoliator by itself and rubbing sefidab which contains a dozen of wonderful natural ingridients to the keeseh and applying to all body parts, keeps your skin glowing.

I use it once a month only.